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 Shranitev DeliDeli
dražba 25606 • Rif #B70492

"Viverè Resort" - Hotel for auction in Salento, luxury resort for exclusive events and stays

Presicce (LE), Via Provinciale Presicce

Historic residence. 4-star hotel with Beauty Farm, swimming pool, 19th century park and private church.

In auction luxury hotel structure in Salento, in Presicce (LE), Viverè Resort Hotel, just a few minutes from the main seaside locations of Santa Maria di Leuca, Torre Vado, Lido Marini, Torre Mozza and Torre San Giovanni.  The area is better known as the "Maldives of Salento", one of the most popular tourist destinations in Puglia for the beauty of its crystal-clear sea and natural landscapes.

The 4-star hotel for auction, thanks to the capacity and the beauty of its three internal rooms with restaurant is a prestigious location for exclusive events and ceremonies, such as meetings, conferences, weddings, receptions, and private events. The Luxury Rooms, the Suite, the Beauty Farm and the splendid swimming pool immersed in the greenery of a wonderful 19th-century park make the Resort a hotel structure of great appeal for elite tourism.
The Villa is a historic residence from the late 19th century, in a classic style, whose restoration has preserved all the original characteristics and dimensions of the structure. The systems are attentive to energy saving, as evidenced by the presence of solar panels.
There are 8 Luxury Rooms, of which 4 are equipped with a hydromassage and with a terrace overlooking the park, while the other 4 overlook the private forest. The Suite, built with the tuff extracted from the subsoil is immersed in the greenery of the 19th-century Park and consists of a double room with a barrel vault, a double room with a star vault and fireplace, a large bathroom covered in marble with a hydromassage tub and a spacious shower.
All furnishings are made in "Giorgetti" style, a synonym of Italian Style worldwide that is characterized by the use of natural materials such as marbles and precious woods.
There are three internal rooms designated for exclusive events, located on the ground floor near the bar. The reception room "Winter Garden" has 250 seats and with its large windows offers a charming view of the Park and the swimming pool. The breakfast room with 40 seats is perfect for small ceremonies, while the third, recently built, with a capacity of 120 people is aimed at a younger target.
The Beauty Farm is located in the underground areas of the structure, with massage rooms, an exclusive Harvia Finnish sauna, Turkish bath, emotional shower, hydromassage tub, and relaxation room, with an external entrance reserved for clients who do not stay in the hotel.
What makes the Resort unique is the 19th-century park of over one hectare, created on multiple terraces with flower beds and stone curbs typical of the classic "Italian Garden," and the forest of over 6 hectares, of pure scrub and Mediterranean garrigue, perfect for walks and guided tours. The historic residence is also equipped with a large portico with capitals in lecce stone, as well as the balustrades of the terraces and the surrounding frames of doors and windows. The ceilings of the rooms are vaulted, commonly referred to as "maltrotta", star-shaped, and barrel-vaulted. Attached to the residence, there is also a private chapel from the '600, consecrated.

Cadastral Registry of the Municipality of Presicce:
Sheet 16 - Parcel 3 - Category D/2 - R.C. € 15,404.80
Sheet 16 - Parcel 473 - Category C/2 - Class 3 - Size 17 sqm - R.C. € 21.07
Cadastral Land of the Municipality of Presicce:
Sheet 10 - Parcels 40 - 77 - 41 - 78 - 438 - 439 - 469

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  • Valore di stima immobile
    Začetna ocena vrednosti

    2.200.000,00 €

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