Dražba na spletu

 Shranitev DeliDeli
dražba 23047 • Rif #B53629 • Sodišče Frosinone • Likvidacija premoženja 11/2019

Local restaurant and apartment in Piglio (FR) - LOT 1-2

Piglio (FR)

Nastanitvena Struktura


Local restaurant and apartment in Piglio (FR), via Prenestina (via Cona) - LOT 1-2

The buildings are registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Piglio at sheet 17:

Parcel 72 - Sub 7 - Category A/3 - Class 3 - Consistency 2.5 compartments - Cadastral Rent € 174.30;
Parcel 72 - Sub 9 - Category C/1 - Class 4 - Consistency 74 sqm - Cadastral Rent € 1,123.60;
Parcel 844 - Category C/1 - Class 6 - Consistency 109 sqm - Cadastral Rent € 2,246.12

The land is registered at Land Registry of City of Piglio at sheet 17:

Parcel 845 - Olive grove/Arborated arable land - Class 1 - Surface 302 sqm - R.D. € 2.11 - R.A. € 1.09

The apartment and the restaurant are part of a single brick building.
The restaurant is on the ground floor and consists of two rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom located in the external basement. On the basement floor there is a deposit which is accessed through the common courtyard, the room is united with the subordinate 8 which is not part of this procedure.
The apartment is located on the first floor, accessible via an external staircase, which is accessed via another property. Internally it is divided into two bedrooms, a bathroom, a hallway and a balcony.
The maintenance status of the structure is very bad and the internal height of some rooms is not in accordance with the law.
The land is currently uncultivated and burdened with easements in favor of the subordinate 8.

It is noted that the lot is offered for sale together with the movable property present both in the restaurant and in the apartment, which must be disposed of at the expense of the buyer.

For further information consult attached appraisal and documention.

info Varščina
EUR 25,00
info Cena rezerve
info Najnižja ponudba
EUR 250,00
info Vizija
by appointment
info Kupčeva provizija
see specific terms
info Cene navedene brez DDV
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Kako sodelovati na spletni dražbi?

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  1. Registriraj se na platformo Gobidreal.it

    Za aktivacijo svojega računa vnesite zahtevane podatke, ki bodo enaki tistim, s katerimi boste sodelovali na dražbi in na katere bo, po potrebi, dodeljena pridobitev nepremičnine na dražbi.

  2. Naredi ponudbo

    Kliknite ustrezen gumb "Registriraj se na dražbo" na strani spletne dražbe. Vplačajte varščino in naložite v svoj osebni razdelek vso zahtevano dokumentacijo, kot je navedeno v prodajnih pogojih.
    Ko je ta postopek zaključen, bo vaša ponudba formalizirana in boste lahko sodelovali na dražbi.
    Spremljajte potek spletne dražbe na spletni strani, kjer se lahko potencialno pomerite z drugimi uporabniki. Vedno boste obveščeni o stanju vaše ponudbe, da boste lahko po potrebi zvišali ponudbo.

  3. Počakajte na rezultat dražbe

    Ko je dražba končana, če ste uspešno pridobili predmet, boste prejeli vse informacije za izvedbo plačil v določenih rokih in nadaljevali s prenosom lastništva. Če niste bili uspešni pri pridobitvi nepremičnine, vam bo varščina vrnjena v skladu s pogoji prodaje.

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