
 Spara DelaDela
auktion 1046 • Rif #B001109 • Domstol av Ancona • Höst. 21/2013

Villa in Bolognola (MC), Piazzale Pintura

Bolognola (MC)



Villa in Bolognola (MC), Piazzale Pintura

The property and the garage are registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Bolognola at sheet 9

Parcel 37 - Sub. 2 - Category A/2
Parcel 37 - Sub. 3 - Classe 3

Located within the National Park of Monti Sibillini, Bolognola is a small mountain village at 1.300 m high, famous ski resort in the winter months and holiday resort during the summer months.
The property is located in the square Pintura, about 3 km from the main city, 100 meters from the ski lifts of the ski slopes.
It consists of a portion of the duplex consists of the lower floor of a spacious living room with fireplace, a small kitchen and a bathroom. The lower floor is connected to the upper floor by a staircase. Upstairs are the bedrooms, the kitchen and the main bathroom. They are to fix some exterior and interior trim. The property has outdoor courtyard and garage. The court, as indicated in the cadastral plan common courtyard, is made for the exclusive use of the property.

The gross floor areas are as follows:
- Apartment 163 sq.m.
- Balcony 7 sq.m.
- Garage 26 sq.m.
- Court 120 sq.m.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.


  • Yta Yta:163


  • Valore di stima immobile
    Utgångsvärde för uppskattning

    40.000,00 €

  • Valore iniziale immobile
    Aktuellt pris

    343,56 €/mq

info Deposition
EUR 4.000,00
info Reservationspris
info Minsta bud
EUR 1.000,00
info Syn
by appointment
info Köparpremie
see specific terms
info Priser anges exklusive moms
Allmänna villkor Specifika villkor Be om mer information Boka visning

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