
 Lagre DelDel
auksjon 14432 • Rif #B55410 • Tingrett Latina • Høst. 93/2012

Building lands in Pontinia (LT) - Locality Mazzocchio

Pontinia (LT)

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Building lands in Pontinia (LT), Locality Mazzocchio

The lands are registered at Land Registry of City of Pontinia at:

Sheet 53 - Parcel 164 - Irrigated arable land - Class 2 - Surface 24,305 m2 - Deduz A2; C1 - R.D. € 428.04 - R.A. € 182.01
Sheet 53 - Parcel 30 - Irrigated arable land - Class 2 - Surface 2,565 sqm - Deduz A2; A6 - R.D. € 36.56 - R.A. € 19.21
Sheet 79 - Parcel 361 - Arable land - Class 2 - Surface 10 m2 - Deduz A2; C1 - R.D. € 0.13 - R.A. € 10.09

The land in question, all adjacent to each other, are part of the Agglomeration of the Consortium for Industrial Development A.S.I. Rome-Latina. On a flat ground they are currently uncultivated.

The three lands fall within the industrial agglomeration of Mazzocchio with the following destinations:
Sheet no. 53, Parcels n.164 and 30:
- part in "areas intended for the installation of new production activities";
- part in “areas intended for secondary roads within the agglomerations”;
- Sheet n.79, Parcel n.361:
- “areas intended for secondary roads inside the agglomerations”.

All the land falls within a seismic area and, therefore, subject to the requirements of Law no.64 of 2/2/1974 and are not burdened by civic use.

For further information consult attached appraisal and documention.


  • Næringslokale Næringslokale:26880

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EUR 7.800,00
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EUR 1.000,00
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