Onroerend goed veilingen, de beste online veilingen

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Onroerend goed veilingen en executieveilingen van faillissementenDe onroerend goed veilingen van ons netwerk: Gobid en Gorealbid, bieden een ruime keuze aan onroerend goed uit Executieveilingen en particuliere veilingen, tegen zeer voordelige prijzen. Hier kunt u alle onroerend goed van verschillende categorieën bekijken: Woonhuizen, Commercieel onroerend goed, Industrieel onroerend goed, Grond op veiling en nog veel meer. Van huizen op veiling tot commerciële gebouwen, elke dag worden onze online veilingen aangevuld met nieuwe onroerend goed, om te voldoen aan verschillende onroerend goed investeringsbehoeften. Filter de zoekopdracht om het onroerend goed te vinden dat u interesseert, en neem deel aan onze online executieveilingen! Onze platforms stellen u in staat om de juiste onroerend goed deals te vinden en biedingen rechtstreeks via de online veiling te plaatsen, allemaal gemakkelijk vanaf uw computer. Bovendien werken we actief samen met Italiaanse rechtbanken om u veilige en transparante veilingen aan te bieden.

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resultaten voor:

Apartment 11- Building B1-Montarice - Porto Recanati
EUR 75.600,00

Apartment 11- Building B1-Montarice - Porto Recanati

On-line auction
sqm 69
Asta su Asta immobiliare su Gobid.it Auction 1898.11
Apartment 12- Building B1-Montarice - Porto Recanati
EUR 61.600,00

Apartment 12- Building B1-Montarice - Porto Recanati

On-line auction
sqm 58
Asta su Asta immobiliare su Gobid.it Auction 1898.12
Apartment13 - Building B1-Montarice - Porto Recanati
EUR 70.700,00

Apartment13 - Building B1-Montarice - Porto Recanati

On-line auction
sqm 60
Asta su Asta immobiliare su Gobid.it Auction 1898.13
Apartment 14 - Building B1-Montarice - Porto Recanati
EUR 67.900,00

Apartment 14 - Building B1-Montarice - Porto Recanati

On-line auction
sqm 58
Asta su Asta immobiliare su Gobid.it Auction 1898.14
Apartment 15 - Building B1-Montarice - Porto Recanati
EUR 82.600,00

Apartment 15 - Building B1-Montarice - Porto Recanati

On-line auction
sqm 75
Asta su Asta immobiliare su Gobid.it Auction 1898.15
Apartment 16 - Building B1-Montarice - Porto Recanati
EUR 62.300,00

Apartment 16 - Building B1-Montarice - Porto Recanati

On-line auction
sqm 64
Asta su Asta immobiliare su Gobid.it Auction 1898.16
Garage 21- Building B1-Montarice- Porto Recanati
EUR 6.300,00

Garage 21- Building B1-Montarice- Porto Recanati

On-line auction
sqm 13
Asta su Asta immobiliare su Gobid.it Auction 1898.21
Garage 22- Building B1-Montarice- Porto Recanati
EUR 7.700,00

Garage 22- Building B1-Montarice- Porto Recanati

On-line auction
sqm 17
Asta su Asta immobiliare su Gobid.it Auction 1898.22
Garage 23- Building B1-Montarice- Porto Recanati
EUR 7.700,00

Garage 23- Building B1-Montarice- Porto Recanati

On-line auction
sqm 23
Asta su Asta immobiliare su Gobid.it Auction 1898.23
Garage 26- Building B1-Montarice- Porto Recanati
EUR 14.700,00

Garage 26- Building B1-Montarice- Porto Recanati

On-line auction
sqm 24
Asta su Asta immobiliare su Gobid.it Auction 1898.26
Garage 27- Building B1-Montarice- Porto Recanati
EUR 14.700,00

Garage 27- Building B1-Montarice- Porto Recanati

On-line auction
sqm 24
Asta su Asta immobiliare su Gobid.it Auction 1898.27
Garage 28- Building B1-Montarice- Porto Recanati
EUR 16.800,00

Garage 28- Building B1-Montarice- Porto Recanati

On-line auction
sqm 30
Asta su Asta immobiliare su Gobid.it Auction 1898.28
Agricultural land with Building - Castelfidardo
EUR 285.450,00

Agricultural land with Building - Castelfidardo

On-line auction
Asta su Asta immobiliare su Gobid.it Auction 2131.3
Artisanal building for sale in Piacenza
EUR 470.000,00

Artisanal building for sale in Piacenza

On-line auction
sqm 1.270
Auction details Auction 101
Building in Montecarotto (AN) via Primo Maggio
EUR 754.000,00

Building in Montecarotto (AN) via Primo Maggio

On-line auction
sqm 2.031
Auction details Auction 257
Butcher shop on sale in Messina
EUR 16.597,92

Butcher shop on sale in Messina

sqm 30
Notice details Notice 3218
Logistical Area in Trento Intermodal-Logistic Centre - Received Expression of Interest

Logistical Area in Trento Intermodal-Logistic Centre - Received Expression of Interest

Expression of interest
sqm 35.000
Notice details Notice 343
Apartment block for sale in Bettola (PC)
EUR 121.440,00

Apartment block for sale in Bettola (PC)

On-line auction
sqm 505
Auction details Auction 362
Apartment block for sale in Broni (PV)
EUR 144.720,00

Apartment block for sale in Broni (PV)

On-line auction
sqm 603
Auction details Auction 363
Boxes in Cusio (Lombardy)
EUR 12.000,00

Boxes in Cusio (Lombardy)

On-line auction
sqm 24
Auction details Auction 372
Home on n.2 floors in Livraga (Lombardy)
EUR 120.000,00

Home on n.2 floors in Livraga (Lombardy)

On-line auction
sqm 91
Auction details Auction 373
Apartment in San Giacomo di Roburent (Piedmont)
EUR 90.400,00

Apartment in San Giacomo di Roburent (Piedmont)

On-line auction
sqm 69
Auction details Auction 374
Building in San Colombano al Lambro (Lombardy)
EUR 426.400,00

Building in San Colombano al Lambro (Lombardy)

On-line auction
sqm 790
Auction details Auction 375
Buildings in Sant'Angelo Lodigiano (Lombardy)
EUR 734.400,00

Buildings in Sant'Angelo Lodigiano (Lombardy)

On-line auction
sqm 1.385
Auction details Auction 376

resultaten voor: