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 Зачувај СподелиСподели
аукција 16286 • Rif #B55006 • Суд Ancona • Пад. 27/2017

Industrial building in Camerano (AN)

Camerano (AN)

Индустриски Комплекс


Industrial building in Camerano (AN), Via Direttissima del Conero 35/37

It should also be noted that at the end of the tender, the final awarding will be made, unless an irrevocable offer for an improved purchase is received in the following 30 days from the provisional award pursuant to art. 107, paragraph 4 of the Italian Law

The buildings are registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Camerano at sheet 16:
Parcel 117 - Sub 5 - Category A/3 - Consistency 2.5 rooms - Cadastral Rent € 135.57
Parcel 117 - Sub 8 - Category F/5 - Consistency 1,443 sqm
Parcel 117 - Sub 10 - Category F/5 - Consistency 5,760 sq m
Parcel 117 - Sub 12 - Category D/1 - Cadastral Rent € 134.00
Parcel 117 - Sub 13 - Category D/1 - Cadastral Rent € 860.00
Parcel 117 - Sub 14 - Category D/7 - Cadastral Rent € 30,343.28
Parcel 117 - Sub 15 - Category D/7 - Cadastral Rent € 29,221.96

The land is registered in the Land Registry of the Municipality of Camerano on Sheet 16:
Parcel 230 - Arborated arable land - Class 2

The industrial complex is part of the industrial-commercial-artisan area of ​​Camerano, and is located about 2 km from the town. It is well connected to the main road system being only 1 km away from the A14 motorway exit and is located along the "Direttissima del Conero" provincial road that connects the city of Ancona to the Adriatic coast.

Building built staggered over the years, from the original project there have been extensions over the years up to the current distribution.
The building includes an original portion, subsequently enlarged, which develops close to the provincial road, and a more recent portion.

The sub. 14 consists of a portion of the original and enlarged part of the building, the part of the most recent building (elongated), the first floor of the south portion of the office block and, externally, the technical room on the north side of the building, with the electrical substation on the east corner. It also includes accommodation for the sub caretaker. 5 and the sub roof. 10, concerning the coverage of the most recent portion of the building.
The surfaces can be summarized as follows:
Production plant 10,710 square meters, divided into two areas, one 4.50 meters high and the other 5 meters high.
First floor offices 654 sqm.
Guardian's apartment, ground and first floor for a total of 68 square meters.
The loading area has a height of 5.50 meters.

The sub. 15 consists of a portion of the original and enlarged part of the building, from the ground floor of the office block with the northern exposure area of ​​the first floor and, externally, from the canopy
with thermal power plant on the south side of the building.
The surfaces can be summarized as follows:
Production plant 9,698 square meters and a height of 4, 50 meters
Offices, which are developed on the first and ground floor for a total of 1,075 square meters
The loading area has a height of 5.50 meters

Access to the property is via 4 driveway gates, the external courtyard is partly paved and partly left green.

The property is currently the subject of two lease contracts expiring both on 31/07/2023 for an annual rent respectively of € 54,000.00 and of € 68,500.00.

Please note the presence of cadastral and urban planning differences.

It should be noted that of the sub 12 and 13 the superficial property was sold with a contract on 22/02/2013 for the duration of 24 years.

The property is sold including the furnishings inside and listed in the attached list.

It should be noted that on the flat roof of the asset subject of this announcement there is a photovoltaic system owned by third parties, created just deed of 22.2.2013, by virtue of which the company Gatto Spa, prior to the bankruptcy, had:
- assigned the right to the surface of the building roof and the related electrical substation;
- constituted special access and passage easements and power lines and cable ducts.
With regard to the connection via cable duct of the photovoltaic system to the only POD installed on the roof of the industrial warehouse and the works to be carried out, by and at the expense of the successful bidder, for the separation of the electricity users from said system, please refer to to the elaboration of the PI S. Marzialetti which is an integral part of this announcement.

For further information consult attached appraisal and documention.


  • Површина Површина:20.408
  • М2 Двор М2 Двор:20992
  • Надструшница Надструшница:40
  • Канцеларии Канцеларии:1750
  • Недвижности Недвижности:399

info Капаро
EUR 280.000,00
info Цена на резервата
info Минимална понуда
EUR 10.000,00
info Вид
by appointment
info Премија на купувачот
info Цените се наведуваат без ДДВ
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