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asta 15723 • Rif #B56457

Sea front villa in Arzachena (SS)

Arzachena (SS)


Sea front villa in Arzachena (SS), Locality Lu Postu


The villa is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Arzachena at sheet 30:
Parcel 433 - Category A/7 - Class 3 - Consistency of 6.5 rooms

The lands registered at Lands Registry of City of Arzachena at sheet 30:
Pacels 805-775-780-789-786-785-829-790-828-808-810 - Full ownership
Parcel 593 - Share 132/1000
Parcel 824 - Share 338/1000

Villa with land and view to the beach of the bay.
The villa develops entirely on the ground floor and consists of an entrance patio, living room, kitchen with utility room, three bedrooms and three bathrooms. There are covered verandas.
The property is surrounded by lawns for a total area of 13,393 square meters.

Currently the veranda located to the north/west has been closed, these works were carried out in the absence of an authorization title.

For further information consult attached appraisal and documention.
It is also possible to request further documentation at e-mail pec adress


  • Sup. comerciaal Sup. comerciaal:132
  • Superfìcie Superfìcie:132
  • Teren Teren:13393
  • Vista mar Vista mar:

info Cavission
EUR 95.000,00
info Prezzo de riserva
info Rilancio minim
EUR 10.000,00
info Vision
by appointment
info Prèmi del comprador
see specific terms
info Prezzi indicàa IVA esclusa
Condizion general Condizion specifiche Domanda informazion Domanda de vedè

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Immobil Simil

EUR 194.739,04

Racolta de offerte
Scheda annunc Anunci 23451
Villeta bifamiliare a Todi (PG)
EUR 45.000,00 MIN 33.750,00

Villeta bifamiliare a Todi (PG)

Data de la vendita
19 September 2024 ura 16:00
Scheda de vendida Vèndita 22871
Villin a Porto Cervo (SS) - LOTTO 1
EUR 560.000,00

Villin a Porto Cervo (SS) - LOTTO 1

Asta on-lìnea
Detagli asta asta 23441
Villa a Foligno (PG)
EUR 441.910,00 MIN 331.432,50

Villa a Foligno (PG)

Data de la vendita
31 October 2024 ura 15:00
Scheda de vendida Vèndita 23574
Immòbil Residenzial a Foggia (FG) - lotto D
EUR 382.500,00 MIN 286.875,00

Immòbil Residenzial a Foggia (FG) - lotto D

Sincrona mista
Data de la vendita
16 October 2024 ura 16:30
Scheda de vendida Vèndita 23774.2
Villa da completà a Latina
EUR 233.834,04 MIN 175.375,53

Villa da completà a Latina

Racolta de offerte
Scheda annunc Anunci 23847