Asta on-lìnea

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asta 8220 • Rif #B43025 • Tribunale de Ancona • Falimènt 70/2018

Residential building to be completed in Senigallia (AN)

Senigallia (AN)



Residential building to be completed in Senigallia (AN), via Rodi

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Senigallia at sheet 9:

Parcel 912 - Urban Area

The property is located in the "Porto" neighborhood of the historic center, within the old city walls.
With residential destination is composed of residential units spread over three floors, a private garage on two underground floors and private courtyards.

The building has a rectangular shape and is divided into two stair blocks served by a lift, the two blocks are separated by a seismic joint. Along via Rodi there are two pedestrian accesses and two driveways for private garages and for public parking.

The current project involves the construction of 22 apartments, 47 garages and 10 cellars as well as rooms for condominium use, the total surfaces are approximately the following:

- Gross residential areas 1,900 square meters
- Surface garage 970 sqm
- Surface courtyard 200 sqm
- Surface balconies 170 sqm
- Surface mezzanine 39 mq
- Surface of the cellars 105 sqm

Externally it is planned to build an electrical cabin next to the building and a walkway along the historic walls with relative trees and green spaces.

Currently only the reinforced concrete structure has been built with external infill walls and most of the internal subdivisions between the property units. All finishes are missing. The maintenance status of the structure is good.

Please note that the property is part of the redevelopment of the historic center of the city, within the Detailed Plan of the Historic Center approved by the City Council resolution in 2009. Homogeneous Area "A", Article 15 of the Implementation Technical Standards of the General Town Plan of the Municipality of Senigallia.

It should be noted that the cancellation of prejudicial formalities must take place at the expense of the buyer

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.


  • Superfìcie Superfìcie:3.384

info Cavission
EUR 156.480,00
info Prezzo de riserva
info Rilancio minim
EUR 10.000,00
info Vision
by appointment
info Prèmi del comprador
info Prezzi indicàa IVA esclusa
Condizion general Condizion specifiche Domanda informazion Domanda de vedè

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