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 Vista DeilaDeila
Tilkynning 26108.5 • Rif #B64918

Building lands in Marsciano (PG) - LOT 5

Marsciano (PG), Località Parco dei Pini

Building Area di 3582 mq

OFFERS GATHERING - Building lands in Marsciano (PG), Località Parco dei Pini - LOT 5

The lands are registered at Land Registry of City of Marsciano at sheet 11:
Parcels 681 - 802 - 832 - 682 - 685 - 702 - 800 - 833 - Total surface area 3,582 sqm

The land in question has a total surface area of 3,582 sqm, located in a central position between Perugia, Panicale, Marsciano and is approximately 15 minutes drive from Perugia, approximately 20 km from Lake Trasimeno. It is connected to the Autostrada del Sole via the E-45 highway; Florence and Rome can be reached in about an hour and a half.

The implementation tool that allows the development of the areas has been approved by the C.E.C. on 07.24.02 (prat. 1378/2002) and adopted by the City Council of Marsciano on 07.30.02 and with the draft agreement for the implementation of urbanization works approved by the same City Council on 10.28.2002 n . 128.
With resolution no. 5 of the Civil Code of 01-21-2005 and approval of 04-27-2005 n. 68 changes were authorized in the redistribution of the car park - modification of some entrances to the lots - downsizing of the routes and updating of the characteristics of the underground services;
With variations to the implementation plan imposed by the Umbria Region during the environmental impact assessment with managerial resolution no. 11690 of 12/18/2009 and authorized with Resolution no. 47 of the C.C. dated 06.22.2010, changes were made to resize the project volumes - different distribution of the project volumes - new planting scheme - requirements for car park paving - technical requirements to be used during the execution of the works - extension of the deadline.
Below are the amounts indicated in the agreement:
- Surface area 3,660 m2
- Project volume 4,800 m3
- Gutter height 6.80 m
- Maximum height 7.50 ml
- Turret height 7.95 m

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.


  • Yfirborð Yfirborð:3.582


Sögu Auknar

  • Valore di stima immobile
    Upphaflegt mat

    183.000,00 €

  • Valore iniziale immobile
    Núverandi verð

    23,58 €/mq

Bíðu tilboðs
info Lágmarksaðgerð
EUR 1.000,00
info Sýn
með fyrirvara
info Afsláttur
info Verðin eru án VSK
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  3. Mat úrslita

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