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 Vista DeilaDeila
Tilkynning 26108.3 • Rif #B64917

Rural house with lands in Marsciano (PG) - LOT 3

Marsciano (PG), Località Castiglione della Valle

Country House

OFFERS GATHERING - Portion of semi-detached house in Marsciano (PG), Località Castiglione della Valle - LOT 3

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Marsciano at sheet 8:

Parcel 285 - Sub. 1 - Common good not listed for tax purpose
Parcel 285 - Sub. 2 - Stapled Parcel1351 - Category A/3 - Class 2 - Consistency 8.5 compartments
Parcel 285 - Sub. 3 - Stapled Parcel1353 - Category A/3 - Class 1 - Consistency 6 compartments
The land is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Marsciano at sheet 8:
Parcels 284 - 467 - 1354 - 1355 - Total surface area 5,425 sqm
Parcels 1351 - 1352 - 1353

The lot in question is composed of a residential building with two floors above ground, as well as two detached buildings used as funds, former stables with related uncovered courtyards attached, all for a total surface area of approximately 8,505 sqm.
The property is centrally located between Perugia, Panicale, Marsciano and is about 15 minutes by car from Perugia, about 20 km from Lake Trasimeno. It is connected to the Autostrada del Sole via the E-45 highway; Florence and Rome can be reached in about an hour and a half.
The main building is made of stone and consists of a ground floor and a first floor of approximately 250 m2 each plus an internal courtyard, portico and veranda above.

The compendium falls in the area:
• VPR” private green areas. Ordinary and extraordinary maintenance interventions are permitted on existing buildings as well as those provided for by the art. 8 of LR 53/74 and subsequent amendments.
• “B 1”, low density completion zone which identifies the areas of recent and substantially completed extensive construction, to be subjected to building completion interventions. The B1 zones are governed by art. 14 of the NTA - Operational part: classification from art. 15 NTA - Operational part: Regulation of zones B - general rules from art. 16 of the NTA - Operational part Uniformity of interventions, from art. 18 of the NTA - Operational part Discipline of low, medium and high density B subzones and art. 23 of the NTA Operational part Urban planning and ecological parameters for the B subzones.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.


Sögu Auknar

  • Valore di stima immobile
    Upphaflegt mat

    546.500,00 €

Bíðu tilboðs
info Lágmarksaðgerð
EUR 2.500,00
info Sýn
með fyrirvara
info Afsláttur
info Verðin eru án VSK
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  3. Mat úrslita

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