
 Vista DeilaDeila
söluveisla 18636 • uppboð: 1 • Rif #B50536 • Dómstóll Campobasso • C.P. 18/2013

Industrial building in Guardiaregia (CB) - LOT 1

Guardiaregia (CB)



Industrial building in Guardiaregia (CB), Industrial Area Padulo Conte - LOT 1

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Guardiaregia at sheet 1:

Parcel 579 - Sub 6 - Category D/1 - Cadastral Rent € 14,000.00
Parcel 579 - Sub 7 - Category D/1 - Cadastral Rent € 20,200.00
Parcel 579 - Sub 8 - Category D/1 - Cadastral Rent € 6,012.80

The property is located near the road junction of the S.S. 17 towards Benevento, in the industrial area of ​​Guardiaregia. The land on which it stands has an area of ​​15,000.00 square meters, which is accessed by two entrances vehicular and pedestrian. The outdoor area is used for the transit and parking of vehicles.
The property consists of three blocks, the two lateral ones, symmetrical with respect to the central one, develop on a single floor level, with a net internal height of 6.00 ml, and house the premises for production, warehouses, the hall, the loading and unloading rooms equipped with electro-hydraulic ramps with iron frames and pit control units, and the compartment for the thermal power plant.
The central body develops on two levels. The net internal height, on the ground floor, is 4.80 meters while, on the first floor, it is 3.50 meters.
On the ground floor of the central block are located, in the rear part, the rooms for the employees (changing room, showers, toilets) and an office; in the central part, in addition to the aisles, there are three cold rooms complete with insulated panels, electrified sliding doors and refrigeration equipment, the room for resale and two staircases. The production area is paved with tiles while the loading and unloading areas and some rooms are paved with industrial concrete.
Between the two floor levels, with access from the main staircase, there is an intermediate floor (mezzanine floor) with a height of 2.80 m.
On the first floor are the offices, which for an area of ​​about 400.00 square meters are the subject of a lease.
The plant is equipped with electrical, water-sanitary and sewage systems, with collection of waste water in the Imhoff pit and thermal systems of the following other systems:
- water system and control and signaling system for lack of mains water;
- drinking water treatment plant;
- air conditioning system;
- purification plant;
- refrigeration system;
- fire-fighting system consisting of wall hydrants and hoses, placed along the external perimeter of the building and hydrants;
- video surveillance system

The Sub 7 is leased with a regular contract starting 03/15/2019, lasting 12 months, tacitly renewable. The contract provides for the release of the property within six months from the date of sale.
The Sub 6 is leased with a regular contract starting 01/07/2016 lasting 6 months tacitly renewable. The contract provides for the release of the property within four months from the date of sale.
The Sub 8 is occupied by a series of movable assets belonging to the company in creditors agreement which have been the subject, up to now, of movable sales which have proved unsuccessful.

For further information consult attached appraisal (Lot 1) and documention.


  • Yfirborð Yfirborð:4.779,65
  • Lota kóði Lota kóði:1

info Trygging
EUR 115.601,00
info Þýðing
info Lágmarksaðgerð
EUR 10.000,00
info Sýn
by appointment
info Kaupandaálag
see specific terms
info Verðin eru án VSK
Almennar skilmalar Sérsendingar skilyrði Óskaðu frekari upplýsingar Óska eftir skoðun

Hvernig taka þátt í netútboði?

Ferlið er einfalt og fljótt.

  1. Skráðu þig á plattformuna

    Til að virkja reikninginn þinn setur þú inn þær upplýsingar sem krafist er sem verða þær sömu sem þú notar til að taka þátt í aukabúnaði og sem, mögulega, verður veitt útboð á eign sem er á útboði.

  2. Leggðu tilboðið þitt

    Smelltu á "Skráðu þig á átökin" hnappinn á síðunni fyrir netútboð. Greiðdu tryggingargjald og hlaðu upp öllum skjölum sem krafist er í þínu eigin sekti, eins og gefið er í söluvilkunum.
    Þegar þessi ferli er lokið, verður bjóðun þín formleg og þú getur tekið þátt í átakinu.
    Fylgdu með netútboðinu á vefsíðunni, keppandi mögulega við aðra notendur. Þú verður alltaf uppfærður um stöðu bjóðunar þinnar til að geta ef til vill bætt við.

  3. Bíðu eftir úrslitum biðsins

    Lokið er uppboðinu, ef þú hefur unnið eignina, þá færðu allar upplýsingar til að greiða innan ákveðins frist og fara yfir á eignarrétt. Ef þú hefur ekki unnið fasteignina, þá verður þér endurgreitt tryggingargjald innan frists sem fram kemur í söluvilkunum.

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