Söfnun tilboða með skráningu

 Vista DeilaDeila
Tilkynning 24038 • uppboð: 1 • Rif #B66751 • Dómstóll Campobasso • Fall. 7/2022

Industrial building in Bagnoli del Trigno (IS) - LOT 1

Bagnoli del Trigno (IS), Località Piana Spinete 1


OFFERS GATHERING - Industrial building in Bagnoli del Trigno (IS), Località Piana Spinete 1  - LOT 1

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Bagnoli del Trigno at sheet 11:
Parcel 891 - Sub 3 - Category D/7 - Cadastral Rent € 5,576.00
Parcel 891 - Sub 4 - Category D/7 - Cadastral Rent  €2,346.00

The lands are registered at Land Registry of City of Bagnoli del Trigno at sheet 11:
Parcels 246 - 250 - 257 - 270 - 890 -892 - Total surface area of 7,165 sqm - R.D. €28.00 - R.A. €17.94

The building consists of two buildings, the larger one is rectangular in shape which develops on a single floor, with plan dimensions of 41.00 m x 21.00 m, a surface area of 861.00 m2, and a height of 7.80 m; in the rear part, to the West, there is a covered external area whose plan size is 10.00 m x 21.00 m, a surface area of 210.00 m2 and a height of 7.80 m.
Please note that the property was the subject of a fire on 05/23/2019.
Basically inside the warehouse was divided into two parts, in the front part overlooking the Ripe municipal road, where there were two large openings raised above the road level, the equipment, cold rooms (now burnt sheet metal), sorting room, rooms were located for processing, packaging and storage.
In the rear part there was a large storage room directly accessible from the covered external area through a large opening.
The other body, located to the south on the long side of the warehouse, also has a rectangular plan and is spread over two floor levels, the dimensions in plan are 12.40 m x 7.20 m, surface area 89.28 m2, for each floor level, and a total height of 7.20 m.
Access to the first floor is via an external metal staircase, a floor entirely intended for offices; the ground floor, in addition to being used as offices, has a part reserved for employees (changing room).
The ground floor is accessible both from inside the warehouse and from the outside.

It should be noted that the shed IS NOT USABLE; as specified in the estimate report to which express reference is made. The factory is offered for sale in the state of fact and law in which it is located; It will be the responsibility and responsibility of the successful tenderer to ensure the safety of the premises as well as the disposal of all materials present within the factory and on the relevant land.

Please also note that there is a rental contract until 10/24/2026 at an annual rent of EUR 3,176.64 including VAT.

For further information consult attached appraisal and documention.


  • Lota kóði Lota kóði:1


Sögu Auknar

  • Valore di stima immobile
    Upphaflegt mat

    238.626,00 €

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