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árverés 20251 • Rif #B22334 • Bíróság Ancona • Leesett. 21/2013

Villa with park in Stresa (VB) - Via Sempione Nord

Stresa (VB) - Italy



Villa with park in Stresa (VB), via Sempione Nord 65

Compared to the initial appraisal of the Geom. Frati it should be noted that in 2021, the Curatorship changed the consistency of the compendium now on sale, as 250 square meters of the courtyard and the storage and warehouse rooms were sold as appurtenances of the neighboring villas, already awarded to third parties.

For the effect, the new cadastral maps were drawn up and a new cadastral reference was assigned to the villa.
The consistency of the compendium offered for sale - consisting of the Villa, the courtyard in front and the garage - is today registered in the Building Registry of the Municipality of Stresa:

- sheet 37, parcel 41, sub 5, Via Sempione Nord 65, floor S1-T-1-2, cadastral rent 4251.73, cat. A/8, class 3 with 18.5 rooms;
- sheet 37, parcel 41, sub 4, Via Sempione Nord snc, consistency 57 sqm

Villa in Liberty Style on the lake Lake Maggiore, with excellent view of lake and Borromean Islands, with main entrance in Via Sempione Nord n. 65.

It should also be noted that access to the garage pertaining to the villa takes place from an internal road, in particular from the access located at number 2 in via Per Someraro and that this access is also common to the property of the neighboring villas and the separate warehouse at the NCEU Part. 375 sub. 2 and sub. 3, bordering the garage owned by the bankruptcy proceeding, without prejudice to the right of the parties to proceed with a subdivision of the accesses to their respective properties.

The property is located in the north of the town, about 1 km from the city center, 50 m from the lake and 200 m from boarding areas to the Borromean Islands and the lakeside promenade, and it borders with an ample public garden area.

The villa, on three levels above ground plus basement, has two large terraces, two verandas and a porch entry.
The floors on the ground floor and the interior stairs are in marble, in parquet on the upper floors, the bathrooms have very good quality and some rooms on the ground floor is in boiserie.
Large park and additional spaces (garage for 3 cars, local tool storage and 2 storehouse).

On the Lake Maggiore, the town of Stresa is famous for its beautiful landscapes and cultural events (Stresa Festival, etc.). A cable car connects the town to the nearby ski resort of Mottarone.

For further information consult attached documentation.


  • Felület Felület:488
  • Kert Kert:Igen
  • Udvar négyzetméter Udvar négyzetméter:2549
  • Portico Portico:Igen
  • Erkély Erkély:92
  • Erkély(ek) Erkély(ek):Igen
  • Mq Pince Mq Pince:102
  • Garázs Garázs:114
  • Garázs Garázs:Igen

info Letét
EUR 65.000,00
info Kikiáltási ár
info Minimális licit
EUR 5.000,00
info Látomás
by appointment
info Vásárlói pótlék
see specific conditions
info Árak áfa nélkül megadva
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