Online aukció

 Mentés MegosztásMegosztás
árverés 14461 • Rif #B51088 • Bíróság Benevento • Leesett. 02/2011

Industrial building with machinery and vehicles in Flumeri (AV)

Flumeri (AV)


Industrial building with machinery and vehicles in Flumeri (AV), Locality Valle Ufita - Industrial Area ASI

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Flumeri at sheet 28:

Parcel 735 - Category D/7 - Cadastral Rent € 5,502.00

The property in question consists of:
- shed for artisanal/industrial use (factory) with an area of ​​571.00 square meters consisting of a single level above ground with internal useful height m. 6.15. Industrial type electrical system with double power supply line;
- office and service building with a total area of ​​258.00 square meters, arranged on two levels of height respectively m. 3.00 and m. 2.70. Civil type electrical system with double power supply line, air conditioning system.
- 320 square meter reinforced concrete floor, on whose surface the evaporators, storage tanks, condensate tanks and refrigeration machines are placed.
- Lamination tank for the pre-treatment of waste water, underground, completely in reinforced concrete, with a surface area of ​​216 square meters and a depth of approximately 4.00 m;
- prefabricated electrical substation, with an area of ​​18.75 square meters which can be accessed both from inside the yard and from the outside.

The electrical systems of the entire plant are free of copper conductors.

The vehicles belonging to this lot are:
- Car without license plate, Citroen Saxo model
- Tanker with Iveco Eurotec tractor
- Tank trailer

The sale also includes industrial production plants consisting of:
- TVR FARK 800/35 evaporator complete with preheaters, exchangers, steam separators, pipes, valves, thermo-compressor, condenser, support scaffolding, ladder, etc.
- finisher evaporator + flash cool
- Crystallizer
- Skimmer, separator, centrifuge
- Cooling tower
- Thermal power plant
- Steam generator
- Steam collector
- Refrigerating group
- AXO 40KW generator set
- Kobra 4100 B scrubbing machine
- Comac scrubbing machine

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.


  • Felület Felület:1.333
  • Udvar négyzetméter Udvar négyzetméter:4607

Árverési Történet

  • Valore di stima immobile
    Kezdeti Becslés Értéke

    664.331,06 €

  • Valore iniziale immobile
    Jelenlegi ár

    206,85 €/mq

info Letét
EUR 26.574,00
info Kikiáltási ár
info Minimális licit
EUR 10.000,00
info Látomás
by appointment
info Vásárlói pótlék
see specific terms
info Csökkentés
info Árak áfa nélkül megadva
Általános feltételek Specifikus feltételek Kérjen információt Kérjen megtekintést

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  1. Regisztrálj a platformra

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  2. Ajánlatot tegyen

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