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enchère 20067 • Rif #B57834 • Tribunal de Bari • Cred. A. 3/2020



Industrial building in Bitonto (BA), Contrada Lomonaco S.P. 231 km 2

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Bitonto at sheet 54:

Parcel 163 - Sub 1 - Category D/7 - Cadastral Rent € 5,887.61
Parcel 163 - Sub 2 - Category D/7 - Cadastral Rent € 5,887.32

The land is registered at Land Registry of City of Bitonto at sheet 54:

Parcel 84 - Almond grove - Class 3 - Surface 1,853 sqm - R.D. € 7.18 - R.A. € 2.87

The industrial warehouse in question has a covered area of ​​2,050 square meters divided into two separate portions, south and north area.
The northern portion is used by the bankrupt company, while the southern portion is the subject of a lease.
The northern portion is bordered by the office block behind which five rooms have been created used as the office responsible for production, meeting room, archive, canteen and changing room. Above the aforementioned rooms a loft of 42 square meters has been created in a metal structure that serves as a warehouse.
In the south portion there is a prefabricated monobloc consisting of two rooms intended for the office responsible for production and the canteen/changing room.
The office building develops entirely on the ground floor and has an area of ​​330 square meters.
As for the shed, the offices are also divided into two areas, one used by the bankrupt company and the other subject to a lease.
The northern portion consists of an entrance, hallway, secretariat, technical office, administrative office, managerial office and bathrooms for both offices and changing rooms.
The southern portion consists of entrance/hallway, executive office, technical office and bathrooms serving the offices and workers.
The height of the shed from the floor to the top of the beams is m. 10.00, while the useful height under the beam is m. 8.00. At the height of m. 6.60 on the pillars run the support brackets of the runways of the two overhead cranes.
There is an asphalted uncovered area with a surface of 3,450 square meters. The property includes a building plot of the surface of 1,853 square meters.

Please note the presence of cadastral and urban planning differences.

It should also be noted that the Sub 1 is the subject of a lease with an annual rent of € 36,000.00 and expires in December 2023 with the possibility of termination with 6 months' notice.

For further information consult attached appraisal and documention.


  • Surface commerciale Surface commerciale:5959.71
  • Surface Surface:2.050 mq
  • Mètres Carrés de Cour Mètres Carrés de Cour:3450 mq
  • Bureaux Bureaux:330 Mq
  • Terrains Terrains:1853 mq

info Dépôt
EUR 102.396,00
info Prix de réserve
info Enchère minimum
EUR 10.000,00
info Vision
Sur rendez-vous
info Frais d'acheteur
info Prix indiqués hors TVA
Conditions générales Conditions spécifiques Demander des informations Demander une vision

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