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enchère 14432 • Rif #B55410 • Tribunal de Latina • Échec 93/2012

Building lands in Pontinia (LT) - Locality Mazzocchio

Pontinia (LT)

Terrain Constructible


Building lands in Pontinia (LT), Locality Mazzocchio

The lands are registered at Land Registry of City of Pontinia at:

Sheet 53 - Parcel 164 - Irrigated arable land - Class 2 - Surface 24,305 m2 - Deduz A2; C1 - R.D. € 428.04 - R.A. € 182.01
Sheet 53 - Parcel 30 - Irrigated arable land - Class 2 - Surface 2,565 sqm - Deduz A2; A6 - R.D. € 36.56 - R.A. € 19.21
Sheet 79 - Parcel 361 - Arable land - Class 2 - Surface 10 m2 - Deduz A2; C1 - R.D. € 0.13 - R.A. € 10.09

The land in question, all adjacent to each other, are part of the Agglomeration of the Consortium for Industrial Development A.S.I. Rome-Latina. On a flat ground they are currently uncultivated.

The three lands fall within the industrial agglomeration of Mazzocchio with the following destinations:
Sheet no. 53, Parcels n.164 and 30:
- part in "areas intended for the installation of new production activities";
- part in “areas intended for secondary roads within the agglomerations”;
- Sheet n.79, Parcel n.361:
- “areas intended for secondary roads inside the agglomerations”.

All the land falls within a seismic area and, therefore, subject to the requirements of Law no.64 of 2/2/1974 and are not burdened by civic use.

For further information consult attached appraisal and documention.


  • Surface commerciale Surface commerciale:26880

info Dépôt
EUR 7.800,00
info Prix de réserve
info Enchère minimum
EUR 1.000,00
info Vision
by appointment
info Frais d'acheteur
info Prix indiqués hors TVA
Conditions générales Conditions spécifiques Demander des informations Demander une vision

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