
 Tallenna JaaJaa
huutokauppa 21124.16 • Rif #B59713 • Tuomioistuin Ancona • Kaatu. 11/2020

Apartment and garage in Montemarciano (AN) - LOT 16

Via Monte Catria 7, Montemarciano (AN)



Apartment and garage in Montemarciano (AN), Via Monte Catria 7 - LOT 16

The buildings are registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Montemarciano at sheet 11:

Parcel 1095 - Sub. 48 - Category A/2 - Class 4 - Consistency 6 compartments - Cadastral Rent € 619.75
Parcel 1095 - Sub. 22 - Category C/6 - Class 3 - Consistency 28 m2 - Cadastral Rent € 82.43

The apartment, to be completed, is located on the first and second floor of building "D" of lot "B".
The progress of the works can be said to be "advanced raw", missing the boiler, radiators, painting, coverings, floors, skirting boards, doors, bathroom fixtures, the completion of the electrical system (plates, switches, intercom, etc.) , the escutcheons of the fixtures and various arrangements (restoration of some works, and parts of systems, etc.). There is an opening on the attic for connecting the apartment with the portion of the attic above, via a staircase to be built. The attic has access to a terrace.
The garage is located in the basement. Access is via an exclusive external entrance area at street level with Via Monte Catria. A sheet metal overhead door is installed in the entrance. Internally the garage is divided into a main room and an accessory room. There is provision for the electrical and water system.

For further information consult attached appraisal and documention.


  • Kaupallinen pinta-ala Kaupallinen pinta-ala:153.39
  • Pinta-ala Pinta-ala:78
  • Neliöt Piha Neliöt Piha:24
  • Parveke Parveke:20
  • Terassi Terassi:30
  • Autotalli Autotalli:28

info Takuumaksu
EUR 6.900,00
info Huutokaupan hinta
info Minimikorotus
EUR 1.000,00
info Näkemys
by appointment
info Ostajan palkkio
see specific terms
info Hinnat ilmoitettu ilman ALV
Ehdot yleiset Erityisehdot Pyydä lisätietoja Pyydä näyttöä

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