
 Tallenna JaaJaa
huutokauppa 7199 • Rif #B001135 • Tuomioistuin Ancona • Kaatu. 4/2016

Industrial building in Osimo (AN)

Osimo (AN)


OFFERS GATERING - Industrial building in Osimo (AN), Via Monsignor Oscar Arnulfo Romero 8


The industrial building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Osimo at sheet 16:

Parcel 426 - Category D/7 - Cadastral Rent 18.282,57 €

The building is constructed on a plot of about 10,200 square meters. The shed is divided into two areas, on the front it is on two levels while in the rear it is on one level. The part on two levels is used for offices, on the ground floor we find the reception, the offices and the changing rooms while on the upper floor other offices were planned but it is currently in its rough state and only the fixtures and the screed are present. The changing rooms on the ground floor are complete with showers and services and have direct access from the working department. On this floor there is also the thermal plant which has access from the outside. In the working area there are various zones for the various phases of metal processing, a part was provisionally compartmentalized with sandwich panels to expand the warehouse. The flooring is in smooth cement. In the office-reception area there is a heating and air conditioning system, while in the production area, only in the assembly department, there are hot air generators. The electrical system is up to standard but should be re-tested. The state of conservation and maintenance can be considered discreet for the office area. In the production department the concrete flooring shows signs of wear.
Externally there are two canopies on the two opposite sides of the building, one used for the protection of materials during the loading/unloading phase, the other is partly closed and used as a material storage.
The Enel cabin and a room that houses the pump room, a storage room and the compressor room were built at the rear.
The courtyard outside the building has an area of ​​6,405 square meters, partly in bituminous conglomerate and partly in mixed calcareous granular mixture. The property is completely fenced with wire mesh on a reinforced concrete wall.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.


  • Pinta-ala Pinta-ala:4.091

Huutokaupan Historia

  • Valore di stima immobile
    Arvio alkuarvo

    1.754.000,00 €

  • Valore iniziale immobile
    Nykyinen hinta

    226,59 €/mq

info Takuumaksu
EUR 77.200,00
info Huutokaupan hinta
info Minimikorotus
EUR 5.000,00
info Näkemys
Sopimuksen mukaan
info Ostajan palkkio
see specific terms
info Hinnat ilmoitettu ilman ALV
Ehdot yleiset Erityisehdot Pyydä lisätietoja Pyydä näyttöä

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