
Venta Mixta Sincrónica Tribunal de Terni Concurso  n. 3/2019

Portion of industrial building in Terni

  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni

Precio baseEUR 605.911,16


Número experimento2



Oferta mínimaEUR 454.433,37

Incremento mínimoEUR 5.000,00

Modalidad de subastaMixta Sincrónica

Plazo de presentación de ofertasmar 16/07/2024 hora 12:00

Fecha de la carreramié 17/07/2024 hora 11:00

Depósito10,00% dell'offerta

Tiempo de reanudación / extensiones1 minutos

Prima del compradorsee Sale Notice

Precios indicados más allá de IVA y cargos legales

Datos PVP
ID Inserzione2223368
ID Procedura534383
Tipo Proceduragiudiziaria
ID Tribunale0550320091
TribunaleTribunale di TERNI
RitoFALLIMENTARE (nuovo rito)
Anno Procedura2019
  • Soggetto
    TipoDelegato alla vendita
    ID Anagrafica4523034
    Soggetto Vendita1
    Soggetto VisitaNo
  • Soggetto
    TipoSoggetto specializzato alla vendita
    CognomeGobid International Auction Group Srl
    ID Anagrafica4523033
    Soggetto VenditaNo
    Soggetto Visita1
ID Lotto2006539
Descrizione (IT)Si raccolgono offerte per una porzione di immobile industriale con una superficie totale di 11.751 mq a Terni, Zona Industriale Polymer, Via delle Fibre 3
Primo Identificativo2006539
IndirizzoZona Industriale Polymer - Via delle Fibre 3
  • Bene
    ID Bene2646696
    Descrizione (IT)L'immobile risulta censito al Catasto Fabbricati del Comune di Terni al Foglio 103: Particella 43 – Sub. 14 – Categoria D/1 – R.C. € 2.168,00; Particella 43 – Sub. 15 – Categoria D/1 – R.C. € 27.704,00; Particella 43 – Sub. 16 – Categoria D/1 – R.C. € 1.620,00; Particella 43 – Sub. 17 – Categoria D/1 – R.C. € 1.740,00; Particella 43 – Sub. 18 – Categoria D/1 – R.C. € 3.360,00; Particella 43 – Sub. 19 – Categoria D/1 – R.C. € 1.680,00; Particella 43 – Sub. 20 – Categoria D/1 – R.C. € 33.226,00 Porzione di capannone industriale suddivisa in più unità immobiliari, con annessa tettoia/magazzino stoccaggio, il tutto sito in Terni, Zona Industriale Polymer. Il compendio è stato realizzato a più riprese tra il 1970 e il 2001, e insiste su un’area terreno industriale della superficie catastale tra coperto e scoperto di 59.261 mq. Si sviluppa come segue: • Tettoia/Magazzino stoccaggio - sub 14 – si sviluppa al piano terra con struttura portante in metallo e copertura in lamiera. L’area nel suo perimetro è completamente recintata con muretto in cls con sovrastante rete a maglia quadra. La pavimentazione è asfaltata.  • Capannone/Torre Lavorazione - sub 15 - fabbricato in cemento armato e copertura piana (lastrico solare) articolato su 5 piani fuori terra ed uno interrato serviti da due scale interne e montacarichi • Capannone/Zona Mensa - sub 16 - Fabbricato su un unico piano fuori terra con struttura in cemento armato rivestita e copertura piana. Gli infissi sono in alluminio verniciato e vetro camera.  • Capannone/Zona Uffici e servizi - sub 17-18-19 fabbricato su un unico piano fuori terra è composto da un ingresso, sala riunioni, vari uffici e servizi. Internamente le tramezzature sono in pannelli mobili, le pavimentazioni sono in moquette di vario tipo e parte in gres. • Capannone/Zona Lavorazione-Magazzini-Laboratorio e servizi - sub 20 - fabbricato in cemento armato articolato su un unico piano suddiviso nella zona adibita a lavorazione, laboratorio, servizi e locali tecnici. Parte dei laboratori e magazzini sono controsoffittati, mentre la zona di lavorazione principale è tutta altezza.  Il sito in cui sono ubicati gli immobili, dal punto di vista urbanistico, è compreso in Zona D per la grande industria (D1) di cui fa parte il citato polo chimico (D12), che, a sua volta, è sostanzialmente inglobato in una vasta zona artigianale-industriale. Agevole è la rete viaria che permette di accedere alla zona dalla viabilità principale, anche per la presenza del nuovo tracciato di collegamento della stessa zona industriale con la vicina strada Marattana e con la E/45-PERUGIA/CESENA. Si fa presente che gli immobili oggetto di valutazione hanno subito alcuni interventi di demolizione dei rivestimenti esterni per permettere la fuoriuscita dei beni mobili ed attrezzature presenti anche all'interno dei fabbricati industriali oggetto di fallimento e di alcune parti degli impianti con particolare riferimento al sistema di areazione e all'impianto elettrico. In ogni caso l’impiantistica già nella precedente relazione era stata considerata obsoleta. Esiste una servitù di passaggio nata per destinazione del buon padre di famiglia a favore degli immobili appartenenti alla società fallita e oggetto di vendita e contro l’area identificata con il sub. 13 della particella 43.(questa ultima particella non è in vendita in quanto non di proprietà della società fallita)
    Primo Identificativo2646696
    IndirizzoZona Industriale Polymer - Via delle Fibre 3
    Bene Immobile
    • Dati catastali
    Tipo DenunciaProtocollo
Dati Vendita
Data e oramié 17 julio 2024 hora 11:002024-07-17T11:00:00
IndirizzoVia Plinio il Giovane 5 c/o Hotel Valentino
Prezzo base605.911,16
Offerta Minima454.433,37
Rialzo Minimo5.000,00
Termine Presentazione Offertemar 16 julio 2024 hora 12:002024-07-16T12:00:00
Pagamento Contributo
Spesa Prenotata Debito
Contributo Non DovutoNo
  • Sito
    Tipologiagestore delle vendite
    Indirizzo URL
Data pubblicazione22/05/20242024-05-22

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Descripción del lote

SALE MIXED LIVE - Portion of industrial building in Terni, Zona Industriale Polymer, Via delle Fibre 3

We collect offers for a portion of an industrial building with an area of 11,751 sqm.

Purchase offers can be presented by telematic modality, using web form "Telematic Offer" made available by Ministry of Justice trought the present webpage before 12:00 pm of day 16/07/2024.

In the event of the telematic offers users are advised to start filling out offer well in advance of fixed terms.

Auction base price EUR 605,911.16

Sale operations will take place on 17 July 2024 starting at 11:00 am

For further information on lot and on participation modalities consult attached announcement and documentation

Detalle del procedimiento




ProfesionalDott.ssa Cianchini Patrizia


Bienes incluidos en el lote (1)

  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni
  • Portion of industrial building in Terni

Portion of industrial building in Terni


Portion of industrial building in Terni, Zona Industriale Polymer, Via delle Fibre 3

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Terni at sheet 103:

Parcel 43 – Sub. 14 – Category D/1 – Cadastral rent € 2,168.00
Parcel 43 – Sub. 15 – Category D/1 – Cadastral rent € 27,704.00
Parcel 43 – Sub. 16 – Category D/1 – Cadastral rent € 1,620.00
Parcel 43 – Sub. 17 – Category D/1 – Cadastral rent € 1,740.00
Parcel 43 – Sub. 18 – Category D/1 – Cadastral rent € 3,360.00
Parcel 43 – Sub. 19 – Category D/1 – Cadastral rent € 1,680.00
Parcel 43 – Sub. 20 – Category D/1 – Cadastral rent € 33,226.00

Portion of industrial warehouse divided into several real estate units, with adjoining shed/storage warehouse, all located in Terni, Polymer Industrial Area.
The compendium was built on several occasions between 1970 and 2001, and lies on an industrial land area with a covered and uncovered cadastral area of 59,261 m2.
It develops as follows:
• Shed/Storage warehouse - sub 14 – develops on the ground floor with a metal load-bearing structure and sheet metal roof. The area in its perimeter is completely fenced with a concrete wall with a square mesh netting above. The flooring is asphalted.
• Processing shed/tower - sub 15 - building in reinforced concrete and flat roof (flat roof) divided into 5 floors above ground and one underground served by two internal staircases and goods lifts
• Shed/Canteen Area - sub 16 - Built on a single floor above ground with a coated reinforced concrete structure and flat roof. The fixtures are in painted aluminum and double glazing.
• Shed/Office and service area - sub 17-18-19 built on a single floor above ground and composed of an entrance, meeting room, various offices and services. Internally the partitions are in movable panels, the floors are in various types of carpet and partly in stoneware.
• Shed/Processing Area - Warehouses - Laboratory and services - sub 20 - reinforced concrete building on a single floor divided into the area used for processing, laboratory, services and technical rooms. Part of the laboratories and warehouses have false ceilings, while the main processing area is full height.

The site in which the properties are located, from an urban planning point of view, is included in Zone D for large industry (D1) of which the aforementioned chemical center (D12) is part, which, in turn, is substantially incorporated into a vast artisan-industrial area.
The road network that allows access to the area from the main road is easy, also due to the presence of the new route connecting the industrial area itself with the nearby Marattana road and with the E/45-PERUGIA/CESENA.
It should be noted that the properties under evaluation have undergone some demolition interventions on the external coverings to allow the escape of movable property and equipment also present inside the industrial buildings subject to bankruptcy and some parts of the plants with particular reference to the system ventilation and the electrical system.
In any case, the systems had already been considered obsolete in the previous report.

There is an easement of right of way created by the good father of the family in favor of the properties belonging to the bankrupt company and subject to sale and against the area identified with the sub. 13 of parcel 43. (this last parcel is not for sale as it is not owned by the bankrupt company)