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subasta 9403 • Rif #B47444 • Tribunal de Roma • Concurso 873/2019

Commercial local in Rome - Parioli District



Offer subject to approval by the Bodies of the Procedure.
For the procedure for submitting offers, please refer to the specific conditions.

PROPERTY IN LEASING - Commercial local in Rome, Via Giovanni Antonelli 26, Parioli District

The property is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Roma at sheet 547:

Parcel 197 - Sub 5 - Category C/1 - Class 7 - Consistency 69 sqm - Cadastral Rent € 4,529.28

The property in question is located in the Parioli district in Rome, one of the greenest and most residential districts that over time has also acquired a strong vocation as a tertiary sector with the presence of professional firms, offices and commercial establishments.
The commercial local directly overlooks Via Antonelli, a wide tree-lined road that connects Piazza Euclide with Piazza Pitagora.
Internally it looks like a long rectangle divided into two areas, the first used as a sales area, while the second serves as a warehouse, dressing room and bathroom.
The floors are made of resin, the systems are housed above the plasterboard false ceiling and concealed.

The lot includes furnishings, alarm system, air conditioning system and lighting fixtures, therefore the estimated price is composed as follows: EUR 428,000.00 as the value of the real estate and EUR 7,000.00 as the value of the goods.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.


  • Superficie Superficie:85,50 m2
  • Floor Floor:T

Valor de la propiedad

  • Valore di stima immobile
    Valor inicial de Stima

    435.000,00 €

  • Valore iniziale immobile
    Precio actual

    3.742,69 €/mq

info Precio de estimación
EUR 435.000,00
info Depósito
EUR 20.000,00
info Incremento mínimo
EUR 2.500,00
info Visión
by appointment
info Prima del comprador
see specific terms
info Precios indicados sin IVA
Condiciones generales Condiciones específicas Solicitar información Solicitar visualización

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    Haz clic en el botón "Registrarse en la subasta" presente en la página de la subasta en línea. Deposita la fianza y carga en tu sección personal toda la documentación requerida, como se indica en las condiciones de venta.
    Completado este procedimiento, tu oferta será formalizada y podrás participar en la subasta.
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  3. Espera el resultado de la subasta

    Terminada la subasta, si te has adjudicado el bien, recibirás toda la información para realizar los pagos dentro de los plazos establecidos y proceder al traspaso de propiedad. En caso de que no hayas resultado adjudicatario del inmueble, se te devolverá la fianza depositada dentro de los plazos previstos por las condiciones de venta.

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