
Sale Mixed Live Law court of Enna Bankr. n. 2/2015

Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)

  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)

Starting priceEUR 581.841,75

Sale state

Sale experiment number2

Reduced by-25,00%

LocationCerami (EN)

Minimum bidEUR 436.381,31

Minimum overbidas by ordinance

Auction modeMixed Live

Offers deadlineTue 15/10/2024 at 12:00

Auction dateWed 16/10/2024 at 12:00

Deposit10,00% dell'offerta

Overbid time2 minutes

Buyer's premiumsee Sale Notice

Indicated prices VAT and fees excluded

PVP Data
ID Inserzione4233064
ID Procedura960585
Tipo Proceduragiudiziaria
ID Tribunale0860090099
TribunaleTribunale di ENNA
Anno Procedura2015
  • Soggetto
    TipoSoggetto specializzato alla vendita
    CognomeGobid international auction group srl
    ID Anagrafica4682920
    Soggetto VenditaNo
    Soggetto Visita1
  • Soggetto
    ID Anagrafica4682921
    Soggetto Vendita1
    Soggetto VisitaNo
ID Lotto2129699
Descrizione (IT)Si raccolgono offerte per un complesso agricolo-produttivo comprensivo di beni mobili e con terreni agricoli annessi a Cerami (EN), Località Gorgo
Primo Identificativo2129699
IndirizzoLocalità Gorgo
  • Bene
    ID Bene2773185
    Descrizione (IT)Gli immobili risultano censiti al Catasto Fabbricati del Comune di Cerami al Foglio 7: Particella 610 - Sub 1 - Categoria D/10 - R.C. € 23.872; Particella 610 - Sub 2 - Categoria A/4 - Classe 2 - R.C. € 147,19 I terreni risultano censiti al Catasto Terreni del comune di Cerami al Foglio 7: Particelle 265 - 272 - 594 - 599 - 60 - 609 - 611 La vendita in oggetto si compone di: • Caseificio (608 mq), capannone in cemento armato internamente composto da un grande ambiente adibito a sala comune, disimpegno che conduce ai servizi igienici, spogliatoi ed alla sala dedicata alla trasformazione lattearia. Sono presenti 5 celle frigo ed un piccolo deposito; • Fienile (828 mq), struttura prefabbricata in acciaio • Mangimificio (100 mq), adiacente il fienile, ha pavimenti in battuto di cemento, pareti intonacate e tinteggiate, finestre in alluminio e ampio portone in ferro; • Deposito ex stalla (653 mq), capannone originariamente utilizzato come stalla, oggi ad uso deposito e ricovero attrezzi; • Fabbricato abitativo (96 mq), realizzato nello stesso stabile della ex stalla, è suddiviso in cucina/soggiorno, ripostiglio, bagno e camera da letto. La pavimentazione è in battuto di cemento; • 2 stalle (2.716 mq), capannoni a pianta rettangolare con struttura prefabbricata, sono composti da una zona centrale destinata al foraggiamento e corridoi laterali destinati alla stabulazione degli animali; • Stalla mungitura/uffici (392,40 mq), piccolo edificio a due elevazione posto tra le due stalle. Al piano terra si trova la stalla per la mungitura, ben attrezzata per tale scopo, servita anche da gruppo elettrogeno esterno. Il piano primo invece, accessibile tramite una scala esterna posta sul prospetto principale, è adibito ad ufficio ed è composto da 3 stanze ed un piccolo bagno, oltre ad una ampia terrazza. Il complesso sorge su un terreno con una superficie totale di 11.033 mq. Completano la proprietà 68.083 mq di terreni agricoli che circondano il complesso rurale. Fanno parte della presente vendita anche i seguenti beni mobili strumentali strettamente connessi all’attività: bilico con pianale, n. 8 silos in vetroresina, caldaia, impianto elettrificato per la mungitura, lettore per identificazione capre, vasca raccolta latte, compressore per un valore totale di € 18.150,00
    Primo Identificativo2773185
    IndirizzoLocalità Gorgo
Dati Vendita
Data e oraWed 16 October 2024 at 12:002024-10-16T12:00:00
IndirizzoViale Sicilia 156
Prezzo base581.841,75
Offerta Minima436.381,31
Rialzo Minimo29.092,09
Termine Presentazione OfferteTue 15 October 2024 at 12:002024-10-15T12:00:00
  • Sito
    Tipologiasito pubblicita
    Indirizzo URL
  • Sito
    Tipologiagestore delle vendite
    Indirizzo URL
Data pubblicazione26/08/20242024-08-26

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Lot description

SYNCHRONOUS MIXED SALE - Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN), Locality Gorgo

Bids are being collected for an agricultural-productive complex including movable assets and with attached agricultural land.

Bids can be submitted:

- in a sealed envelope by 12:00 PM on 15/10/2024, at the Bankruptcy Office of the Court of Enna

- electronically, using the web form "Electronic Offer" provided by the Ministry of Justice through this webpage by 12:00 PM on 15/10/2024

In case of electronic offer, users are advised to start the offer compilation operations well in advance of the deadline.

Starting auction price EUR 581,841.75

The sale operations will take place on October 16, 2024, starting at 12:00 PM

For further information on the lot and participation methods, please consult the sale notice and the attached documentation.

Procedure details

Law CourtEnna



ReceiverDott.ssa Cucurullo Carolina

Goods included in lots (1)

  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)
  • Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)

Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN)

Cerami (EN)

Agricultural-productive complex in Cerami (EN), Locality Gorgo

The properties are registered in the Land Registry of the Municipality of Cerami on Sheet 7:
Parcel 610 - Sub 1 - Category D/10 - R.C. € 23,872
Parcel 610 - Sub 2 - Category A/4 - Class 2 - R.C. € 147.19

The lands are registered in the Land Registry of the Municipality of Cerami on Sheet 7:
Parcels 265 - 272 - 594 - 599 - 60 - 609 - 611

The sale in question consists of:
• Dairy (608 sqm), reinforced concrete warehouse internally composed of a large room used as a common room, a hallway leading to the restrooms, changing rooms, and the room dedicated to milk processing. There are 5 cold storage rooms and a small storage room.
• Barn (828 sqm), prefabricated steel structure
• Feed mill (100 sqm), adjacent to the barn, has concrete flooring, plastered and painted walls, aluminum windows, and a large iron door;
• Former stable storage (653 sqm), warehouse originally used as a stable, now used for storage and tool shelter;
• Residential building (96 sqm), built in the same building as the former stable, is divided into kitchen/living room, storage room, bathroom, and bedroom. The flooring is made of concrete.
• 2 stables (2,716 sqm), rectangular-shaped warehouses with a prefabricated structure, consist of a central area intended for feeding and side corridors intended for animal housing.
• Milking stable/offices (392.40 sqm), small two-story building located between the two stables. On the ground floor is the milking stable, well equipped for this purpose, also served by an external generator. The first floor, accessible via an external staircase on the main facade, is used as an office and consists of 3 rooms and a small bathroom, in addition to a large terrace.
The complex is situated on land with a total area of 11,033 sqm.

The property is completed by 68,083 sqm of agricultural land surrounding the rural complex.

The following instrumental movable goods strictly related to the activity are also part of this sale: truck with platform, n. 8 fiberglass silos, boiler, electrified system for milking, goat identification reader, milk collection tank, compressor for a total value of € 18,150.00