
Sale Mixed Live Law court of Foggia Esecuz. Immob. n. 222/2018

Residential Property in Foggia (FG) - lot D

  • Residential Property in Foggia (FG) - Lot D

Starting priceEUR 382.500,00

Sale state

Sale experiment number3

Reduced by-44,00%

LocationFoggia (Foggia)

Minimum bidEUR 286.875,00

Minimum overbidas by ordinance

Auction modeMixed Live

Offers deadlineTue 15/10/2024 at 12:00

Auction dateWed 16/10/2024 at 16:30

Deposit10,00% dell'offerta

Overbid time1 minutes

Indicated prices VAT and fees excluded

PVP Data
ID Inserzione4221821
ID Procedura842626
Tipo Proceduragiudiziaria
ID Tribunale0710240094
ID RitoEI80
TribunaleTribunale di FOGGIA
Anno Procedura2018
  • Soggetto
    ID Anagrafica4656545
    Soggetto VenditaNo
    Soggetto VisitaNo
  • Soggetto
    ID Anagrafica4656556
    Soggetto VenditaNo
    Soggetto VisitaNo
  • Soggetto
    TipoDelegato alla vendita
    ID Anagrafica4656555
    Soggetto Vendita1
    Soggetto Visita1
ID Lotto2119676
Descrizione (IT)Abitazione in villa unifamiliare su 2 piani, con giardino esterno, piscina scoperta, campo da tennis, parcheggi auto, interamente recintata, per una superficie complessiva di 7.734 mq. circa. La villa è costituita da un solo piano fuori terra, di superficie coperta lorda pari a 404 mq, e da un piano seminterrato, di superficie coperta lorda pari a 201 mq. Certificazione energetica  Classe “C”.
Primo Identificativo2119676
IndirizzoStrada Provinciale SP115 Km. 0,400, senza civico
  • Bene
    ID Bene2761526
    Descrizione (IT)Abitazione in villa unifamiliare su 2 piani, in Foggia, lungo la Strada Provinciale SP115 per Troia, km 0,400, senza civico, dotata di giardino esterno, piscina scoperta, campo da tennis, parcheggi auto, interamente recintata, per una superficie complessiva di 7.734 mq. circa. La villa unifamiliare è costituita da un solo piano fuori terra, di superficie coperta lorda pari a 404 mq, e da un piano seminterrato, di superficie coperta lorda pari a 201 mq. L’accesso principale alla villa immette in un salone di 68 mq circa che funge da distribuzione per tutti gli altri ambienti della villa, costituiti – al piano rialzato – da due bagni, da tre camere da letto e da una cucina/pranzo. Esso è inoltre dotato di una grande scala in legno per la discesa al piano seminterrato, composto da ampio salone, cucina/pranzo, bagno e due stanze da letto. Poiché il piano è seminterrato, tutte le finestre sono collocate immediatamente al disotto del solaio. L’immobile è stato costruito in virtù della Concessione Edilizia n. 90 dell’8 agosto 1991 (pratica edilizia 135/E/91), ma, essendo stato realizzato in difformità di quanto assentito, il fabbricato è stato poi legittimato con il rilascio delle Concessioni in Sanatoria n. 239/1997 del 24 febbraio 1997, pratica n. 813/E/95 (corpo di fabbrica originario, porzione di destra) e n. 508/97 del 21 aprile 1997, pratica 814/E/95 (corpo di fabbrica successivo, porzione di sinistra). Il fabbricato è inoltre dotato di Certificato di Idoneità Statica, depositato con la richiesta di sanatoria. Successivamente al completamento del fabbricato, con Denuncia di Inizio Attività prot. 74210 del 4 settembre 2007, registrata come pratica edilizia n. 742/E/2007, sul fronte principale del fabbricato fu realizzata la tettoia in legno. Negli spazi esterni di pertinenza sono tuttavia presenti degli abusi, consistenti in un campo da tennis/calcetto e in una piscina. Per la realizzazione di queste opere fu presentata al Comune di Foggia la pratica edilizia n. 432/E/2022, acquisita al prot. 25634 del 8 aprile 2002, cui è seguita l’ingiunzione alla sospensione dei lavori inoltrata dal Comune di Foggia, prot. 3476 del 15 aprile 2022. I costi per la  rimozione delle opere abusive, che rimarranno a carico dell’aggiudicatario, sono stati stimati dal CTU in circa euro 14.000,00 circa. Certificazione energetica  Classe “C”.
    Primo Identificativo2761526
    IndirizzoStrada Provinciale SP115 per Troia, Km. 0,400, senza civico
Dati Vendita
Data e oraWed 16 October 2024 at 16:302024-10-16T16:30:00
IndirizzoVia Federico II, 11, 71036 Lucera FG, Italia
Prezzo base382.500,00
Offerta Minima286.875,00
Termine Presentazione OfferteTue 15 October 2024 at 12:002024-10-15T12:00:00
  • Sito
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Data pubblicazione24/07/20242024-07-24

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Lot description

SYNCHRONOUS MIXED SALE - Residential Property in Foggia (FG) - lot D

Bids can be submitted by Tuesday 15/10/2024 at 12:00.

In case of online bidding, users are advised to start the offer compilation process well in advance of the deadline

The sale operations will take place on 16/10/2024 starting from 16:30

For further information on the lot and participation methods, please consult the sale notice and the attached documentation

Procedure details

Law CourtFoggia

TypeEsecuz. Immob.


ReceiverAvv. Corvino Ottavia

Goods included in lots (1)

  • Residential Property in Foggia (FG) - Lot D

Residential Property in Foggia (FG) - Lot D

Foggia (Foggia)

Single-family villa on 2 floors, in Foggia, along the Provincial Road SP115 to Troia, km 0.400, without a civic number, equipped with an external garden, outdoor swimming pool, tennis court, parking spaces, fully fenced, for a total area of approximately 7,734 sqm. The single-family villa consists of a single above-ground floor, with a gross covered area of 404 sqm, and a basement floor, with a gross covered area of 201 sqm. The above-ground floor – raised about 90 cm from the surrounding ground level – results from the union of two building bodies. The first original building body develops over two levels, one of which is a basement, and has a nearly square shape, a roof with 4 slopes, and the internal net height varies, averaging 3.40 m. The second building body is detached from the first by about 9 m, also has a tendentially square shape, a non-accessible flat roof, and its internal height is 3.10 m. The union of the two building bodies was achieved through a third body, in an intermediate position, which serves as a connection. Overall, the villa has a consistency of 27 cadastral rooms, although in reality it does not have 27 actual rooms.
The main access to the villa is located in the original building body and leads into a living room of approximately 68 sqm that serves as a distribution area for all other rooms of the villa, consisting – on the raised floor – of two bathrooms, three bedrooms, and a kitchen/dining room. It is also equipped with a large wooden staircase leading down to the basement, consisting of a large living room, kitchen/dining room, bathroom, and two bedrooms. Since the floor is a basement, all windows are located just below the ceiling. Furthermore, the original building body, at the center of the 4 slopes that make up the roof, has a large skylight for the daytime lighting of the underlying living room. In the floor of the living room on the raised floor, there is also a glass portion that allows for daytime lighting of the basement as well. The internal walls are finished with civil plaster and painted in light colors. On the lower floor, some walls are covered with exposed brick. On the upper floor, the bathroom walls are covered in marble, while on the lower floor and in both kitchens, they are covered with ceramic tiles. The floors on the upper floor are almost all made of parquet, except for the bathrooms, which are made of marble, and the kitchen, which is in porcelain stoneware. On the lower floor, the entire surface is instead paved with Tuscan terracotta tiles.
The property was built by virtue of Building Permit No. 90 of August 8, 1991 (building practice 135/E/91), but, having been built in violation of what was authorized, the building was later legitimized with the issuance of Sanitary Permits No. 239/1997 of February 24, 1997, practice No. 813/E/95 and No. 508/97 of April 21, 1997, practice 814/E/95. The building is also equipped with a Static Suitability Certificate. With the Notification of Start of Activity prot. 74210 of September 4, 2007, registered as building practice No. 742/E/2007, a wooden canopy was built on the main front of the building.
However, there are some abuses in the external areas, consisting of a tennis/soccer field and a swimming pool. The costs for the removal of the abusive works, which will be borne by the successful bidder, have been estimated by the CTU at approximately €14,000.00.