
Sale Timed Law court of Catania Bankr. n. 193/2013

Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4

  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4

Starting priceEUR 227.200,00

Sale state

Sale experiment number4

Reduced by-36,00%


Minimum bidEUR 170.400,00

Minimum overbidEUR 5.000,00

Auction modeTimed

Offers deadlineWed 13/11/2024 at 12:00

Auction dateThu 14/11/2024 at 16:00

Deposit10,00% dell'offerta

Overbid time5 minutes

Indicated prices VAT and fees excluded

PVP Data
ID Inserzione4215256
ID Procedura342377
Tipo Proceduragiudiziaria
ID Tribunale0870150093
TribunaleTribunale di CATANIA
Anno Procedura2013
  • Soggetto
    TipoSoggetto specializzato alla vendita
    CognomeGobid international auction group srl
    ID Anagrafica4640701
    Soggetto VenditaNo
    Soggetto VisitaNo
  • Soggetto
    ID Anagrafica4640702
    Soggetto Vendita1
    Soggetto Visita1
ID Lotto2112991
Descrizione (IT)Si raccolgono offerte per un appartamento uso ufficio al quinto piano di un edificio di maggiore consistenza a Catania, via Luigi Rizzo 18 - LOTTO 4
Primo Identificativo2112991
IndirizzoVia Luigi Rizzo 18
  • Bene
    ID Bene2754461
    Descrizione (IT)Appartamento uso ufficio a Catania, via Luigi Rizzo 18 - LOTTO 4 L'immobile risulta censito al Catasto Fabbricati del Comune di Catania al Foglio 69: Particella 7214 – Sub. 39 – Categoria A/10 – Classe 2 - Consistenza 8,5 vani – R.C. € 3.797,25 Appartamento uso ufficio sito al quinto piano di un edificio ubicato nel cuore della parte bancaria e finanziaria della città; in tale zona le unità immobiliari sono principalmente destinate a banche, attività commerciali ed uffici. L’accesso si ha dalla scala condominiale ed internamente la disposizione dei vani è tipica dell’ufficio, con un corridoio centrale che disimpegna i vari locali. Si prega di notare la presenza di difformità catastali ed urbanistiche sanabili.  Ad oggi l’unità in oggetto genera un unico open space con le unità immobiliari dei lotti 3, già aggiudicato, e 5. Si avvisa che nel caso di vendita a soggetti diversi delle predette unità immobiliari il primo aggiudicatario o gli aggiudicatari dovranno provvedere a propria cura e spese e a perfetta regola d'arte, sotto il controllo del Curatore Fallimentare, a idoneo sezionamento degli impianti e a ottenere le relative certificazioni di conformità previste dalla legge, oltre a ripristinare l'indipendenza degli appartamenti come indicato in seno alle perizie. Il Consulente ha provveduto a quantificare i costi e gli oneri necessari per tali adempimenti detraendoli (pro quota) dai prezzi di stima. La quantificazione si intende accettata a seguito della partecipazione all'incanto.
    Primo Identificativo2754461
    IndirizzoVia Luigi Rizzo 18
Dati Vendita
Data e oraThu 14 November 2024 at 16:002024-11-14T16:00:00
IndirizzoPiazza Trento 2
Prezzo base227.200,00
Offerta Minima170.400,00
Rialzo Minimo5.000,00
Termine Presentazione OfferteWed 13 November 2024 at 12:002024-11-13T12:00:00
  • Sito
    Tipologiagestore delle vendite
    Indirizzo URL
  • Sito
    Tipologiasito pubblicita
    Indirizzo URL
Data pubblicazione16/07/20242024-07-16

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Lot description

TELEMATIC ASYNCHRONOUS SALE - Office apartment in Catania, via Luigi Rizzo 18 - LOT 4

Offers are collected for an office apartment on the fifth floor of a larger building.

Purchase offers can be submitted telematically, using the web form "Telematic Offer" made available by the Ministry of Justice through this web page by 12:00 on 13/11/2024

Users are advised to start completing the offer well in advance of the deadline.

Base price EUR 227,200.00

The sales operations will take place on November 14, 2024 starting from 16:00

For further information on the lot and on how to participate, please refer to the sales notice and the attached documentation

Procedure details

Law CourtCatania



ReceiverAvv. Augello Giuseppe

Goods included in lots (1)

  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4
  • Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4

Office apartment in Catania - LOT 4


Office apartment in Catania, via Luigi Rizzo 18 - LOT 4

The property is listed in the Building Registry of the Municipality of Catania at Sheet 69:

Parcel 7214 - Sub. 39 - Category A/10 - Class 2 - Consistency 8.5 rooms - R.C.
€ 3,797.25

Office apartment located on the fifth floor of a building located in the heart of the banking and financial district of the city; in this area, the real estate units are mainly intended for banks, commercial activities, and offices.
Access is from the condominium staircase and internally the layout of the rooms is typical of an office, with a central corridor that serves the various rooms.
Please note the presence of rectifiable cadastral and urban planning discrepancies.
To date, the unit in question generates a single open space with the real estate units of lots 3, already awarded, and 5.
It is noted that in the event of sale to different parties of the aforementioned real estate units, the first successful bidder or the successful bidders must, at their own expense and under the supervision of the Bankruptcy Trustee, provide for the suitable division of the systems and obtain the relevant conformity certifications required by law, as well as restore the independence of the apartments as indicated in the expert reports.
The Consultant has quantified the costs and charges necessary for these obligations by deducting them (pro rata) from the estimated prices. The quantification is considered accepted following participation in the auction.