
Sale Mixed Live Law court of Milano Judicial Liquidation n. 149/2023

Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)

  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)

Starting priceEUR 78.200,00

Sale state

Sale experiment number2

Reduced by-15,00%

LocationGazzola (PC)

Minimum bidEUR 78.200,00

Minimum overbidEUR 1.000,00

Auction modeMixed Live

Offers deadlineTue 24/09/2024 at 13:00

Auction dateWed 25/09/2024 at 12:00

Deposit10,00% dell'offerta

Overbid time1 minutes

Buyer's premiumsee Sales Notice

Indicated prices VAT and fees excluded

PVP Data
ID Inserzione2255215
ID Procedura825316
Tipo Proceduragiudiziaria
ID Tribunale0151460094
TribunaleTribunale di MILANO
Anno Procedura2023
  • Soggetto
    ID Anagrafica4576322
    Soggetto Vendita1
    Soggetto VisitaNo
  • Soggetto
    TipoSoggetto specializzato alla vendita
    CognomeGobid International Auction Group Srl
    ID Anagrafica4576323
    Soggetto VenditaNo
    Soggetto Visita1
ID Lotto2037210
Descrizione (IT)Si raccolgono offerte per una porzione di edificio residenziale con terreni agricoli limitrofi a Gazzola (PC), Località Momeliano, Strada del Torrazzo
Primo Identificativo2037210
IndirizzoStrada del Torrazzo - Loc. Momeliano
  • Bene
    ID Bene2682162
    Descrizione (IT)L'immobile risulta censito al Catasto Fabbricati del Comune di Gazzola al Foglio 30: Particella 246 - Sub 4 - Categoria A/3 - Classe 3 - Consistenza 6 vani - R.C. € 278,89; Particella 251 - Categoria C/7 - Classe 2 - Consistenza 25 mq - Consistenza 25 mq - R.C. € 32,28 L'immobile risulta censito al Catasto Terreni del Comune di Gazzola al Foglio 30: Particella 252 - Seminativo - Classe 2 - Superficie 530 mq - R.D. € 3,15 - R.A. € 4,38; Particella 254 - Seminativo - Classe 2 - Superficie 435 mq - R.D. € 2,58 - R.A. € 3,59 Fabbricato posto ad angolo tra la Strada Momeliano e la Strada del Torrazzo a soli 20 km dalla città di Piacenza. La porzione in  oggetto si sviluppa su due livelli fuori terra, l’accesso alla proprietà si ha direttamente dalla strada statale. Internamente il fabbricato abitativo si presenta pressoché ultimato, con pavimenti rivestiti con piastrelle di gres ceramico, mentre pareti e soffitti sono intonacati, fatta eccezione per le pareti dei bagni parzialmente rivestite con piastrelle di ceramica. Sommariamente occorre ultimare l’impianto elettrico, la posa dei serramenti interni, la posa dei sanitari, l’ultimazione dell’impianto di riscaldamento compreso la posa della caldaia a gas. È presente l’impianto di condizionamento. Sull’area esterna, della superfice catastale complessiva di mq 990 per lo più a verde e in completo abbandono, vi è la presenza della piscina interrata che si presenta ultimata solo per la parte strutturale. Si prega di notare la presenza di un diritto di passo a favore di fondi terzi. Si fa presente che la porzione di fabbricato attigua è oggetto di procedura esecutiva sul Tribunale di Piacenza.
    Primo Identificativo2682162
    IndirizzoStrada del Torrazzo - Loc. Momeliano
    Bene Immobile
    • Dati catastali
    Tipo DenunciaProtocollo
Dati Vendita
Data e oraWed 25 September 2024 at 12:002024-09-25T12:00:00
IndirizzoVia Vittor Pisani 8/a
Prezzo base78.200,00
Offerta Minima78.200,00
Rialzo Minimo1.000,00
Termine Presentazione OfferteTue 24 September 2024 at 13:002024-09-24T13:00:00
Pagamento Contributo
Spesa Prenotata Debito
Contributo Non DovutoNo
  • Sito
    Tipologiagestore delle vendite
    Indirizzo URL
  • Sito
    Tipologiasito pubblicita
    Indirizzo URL
Data pubblicazione26/06/20242024-06-26

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Lot description

MIXED SYNCHRONOUS SALE - Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC), Locality Momeliano, Strada del Torrazzo

Offers are collected for a portion of a residential building with adjacent agricultural land.

Purchase offers can be submitted:

- in a sealed envelope by 1:00 pm on 24/09/2024, at the office of Dr. Andreè Luraghi, located in Milan, Via Vittor Pisani 8/a

- through telematic methods, using the web form "Telematic Offer" made available by the Ministry of Justice through this web page by 1:00 pm on 24/09/2024

In case of telematic offer, users are advised to start the offer completion operations well in advance of the set deadline.

Base auction price EUR 78,200.00

The sales operations will take place on September 25, 2024 starting from 12:00 pm

For further information on the lot and on the participation methods, please refer to the sales notice and the attached documentation

Procedure details

Law CourtMilano

TypeJudicial Liquidation


ReceiverDott.ssa Luraghi Andrèe

Goods included in lots (1)

  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)
  • Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)

Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC)

Gazzola (PC)

Portion of residential building and agricultural land in Gazzola (PC), Locality Momeliano, Strada del Torrazzo

The property is listed in the Building Registry of the Municipality of Gazzola at Sheet 30:
Parcel 246 - Sub 4 - Category A/3 - Class 3 - Consistency 6 rooms - R.C.
€ 278.89
Parcel 251 - Category C/7 - Class 2 - Consistency 25 sqm - Consistency 25 sqm - R.C.
€ 32.28

The property is listed in the Land Registry of the Municipality of Gazzola at Sheet 30:
Parcel 252 - Arable land - Class 2 - Surface 530 sqm - R.D.
€ 3.15 - R.A.
€ 4.38
Parcel 254 - Arable land - Class 2 - Surface 435 sqm - R.D.
€ 2.58 - R.A.
€ 3.59

Building located at the corner between Strada Momeliano and Strada del Torrazzo just 20 km from the city of Piacenza.
The portion in question is developed on two above-ground levels, access to the property is directly from the main road.
Internally, the residential building is almost finished, with floors covered with ceramic gres tiles, while walls and ceilings are plastered, except for the bathroom walls partially covered with ceramic tiles.
In summary, it is necessary to complete the electrical system, the installation of internal fixtures, the installation of sanitary ware, the completion of the heating system including the installation of the gas boiler. There is air conditioning.
On the external area, of the total cadastral surface of 990 sqm mostly green and completely abandoned, there is the presence of the inground pool which is completed only for the structural part.

It should be noted that the adjacent portion of the building is the subject of an enforcement procedure at the Court of Piacenza.
  • Area: 161 sqm