
Sale Timed Law court of Catania Bankr. n. 54/2021

Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1

  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1

Starting priceEUR 660.478,85

Sale state

Sale experiment number3

Reduced by-28,00%

LocationBiancavilla (CT)

Minimum bidEUR 495.359,14

Minimum overbidEUR 20.000,00

Auction modeTimed

Offers deadlineThu 25/07/2024 at 12:00

Auction dateFri 26/07/2024 at 15:00

Deposit10,00% dell'offerta

Overbid time5 minutes

Buyer's premiumsee Sales Notice

Indicated prices VAT and fees excluded

PVP Data
ID Inserzione2243151
ID Procedura708001
Tipo Proceduragiudiziaria
ID Tribunale0870150093
TribunaleTribunale di CATANIA
RitoFALLIMENTARE (nuovo rito)
Anno Procedura2021
  • Soggetto
    ID Anagrafica4554273
    Soggetto Vendita1
    Soggetto VisitaNo
  • Soggetto
    TipoSoggetto specializzato alla vendita
    CognomeGobid International Auction Group Srl
    ID Anagrafica4554272
    Soggetto VenditaNo
    Soggetto Visita1
ID Lotto2026508
Descrizione (IT)Si raccolgono offerte per un capannone con terreni annessi comprensivo dei beni mobili strumentali all'esercizio d'impresa a Biancavilla (CT), Strada Nazionale 121 - LOTTO 1
Primo Identificativo2026508
IndirizzoStrada Nazionale 121
  • Bene
    ID Bene2670614
    Descrizione (IT)Gli immobili risultano censiti al Catasto Fabbricati del Comune di Biancavilla al Foglio 56: Particella 686 - Categoria D/7 – R.C. € 19.200,00; Particella 688 - Categoria C/2 - Classe 1 - Consistenza 22 mq - R.C. € 31,81 I terreni risultano censiti al Catasto Terreni del Comune di Biancavilla al Foglio 56 Particelle 4 - 89 - 684 - 685 - 687 - 130 - 690 Capannone industriale di trasformazione e lavorazione prodotti agricoli sito nella zona periferica ed agricola del Comune di Biancavilla. L’immobile si sviluppa su unica elevazione fuori terra con all’interno un piano primo adibito ad uffici. L’accesso al capannone avviene mediante cancello pedonale e carrabile posto leggermente rientrato rispetto alla Via Nazionale 121. Esso è così composto: - Il piano terra è composto da un unico ambiente con struttura portante metallica e chiusure laterali e di copertura in pannelli coibentati. Al suo interno insistono dei monoblocchi destinati a celle frigorifere, un locale climatizzato per il carico e scarico della materia prima essendo presenti dei piani di carico, ed un blocco bagni, spogliatoi separato per uomini e donne, oltre ad un ufficio di reparto. È presente una tettoia con struttura metallica adiacente la struttura del capannone, utilizzata per il ricovero temporaneo dei mezzi. Tale struttura seppur a servizio del capannone, risulta essere ricadente lungo la particella 687; - Il piano primo è composto da n. 4 locali ufficio di cui due con balcone unico, oltre ai vari accessori. Si accede ad esso mediante vano scala. Tale blocco risulta essere soprastante la parte del capannone prospettante ad est. La struttura del corpo uffici così come quella del corpo scala risulta essere in conglomerato cementizio armato. L’unità immobiliare è dotata di impianto elettrico e idrico, di cui non si è in possesso di documentazione, ma si ritiene che essi siano conformi alla normativa del 2008 dato che l’Agibilità è stata rilasciata in data 2017. Fanno parte della vendita i seguenti beni mobili: - Impianto frigorifero industriale composta da 2 celle frigo, zona carico/scarico, centrale frigorifera e quadro elettrico (Lotto 11); - N° 2 serre con superficie totale di 25.800 mq (Lotto 12); - Impianto fotovoltaico con potenza complessiva di 50,00 KWp (Lotto 17); - Linea di lavorazione pomodoro cassa a cassa da 24 posti (Lotto 14); - Linea di lavorazione affogliati e prodotti sfusi cassa a cassa da 6 posti (Lotto 15); - Arredi, supporti informatici, elettronici e vari per ufficio (Lotto 1); - Compressore rotativo e serbatoio (Lotto 2); - Bilancia LAUMAS (Lotto 3); - Transpallet elettrico BT – LPE 2000 (Lotto 4); - Transpallet elettrico BT – LPE 2000 (Lotto 5); - Carrello elevatore LINDE (Lotto 6); - N° 1.600 cassette per frutta (Lotto 7)
    Primo Identificativo2670614
    IndirizzoStrada Nazionale 121
    Bene Immobile
    • Dati catastali
    Tipo DenunciaProtocollo
Dati Vendita
Data e oraFri 26 July 2024 at 15:002024-07-26T15:00:00
Prezzo base660.478,85
Offerta Minima495.359,14
Rialzo Minimo20.000,00
Termine Presentazione OfferteThu 25 July 2024 at 12:002024-07-25T12:00:00
Pagamento Contributo
Spesa Prenotata Debito
Contributo Non DovutoNo
  • Sito
    Tipologiagestore delle vendite
    Indirizzo URL
  • Sito
    Tipologiasito pubblicita
    Indirizzo URL
Data pubblicazione10/06/20242024-06-10

Interested in partecipating as telematic user? Request the manual

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Lot description

TELEMATIC ASYNCHRONOUS SALE - Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT), National Road 121 - LOT 1


Offers are collected for a warehouse with attached land including instrumental mobile assets for business operation.

Purchase offers can be submitted telematically, using the web form "Telematic Offer" made available by the Ministry of Justice through this web page by 12:00 on 25/07/2024

Users are advised to start filling out the offer well in advance of the deadline.

Base auction price EUR 660,478.85

The sales operations will take place on July 26, 2024 starting from 3:00 pm

For further information on the lot and on how to participate, please refer to the sales notice and the attached documentation

Procedure details

Law CourtCatania



ReceiverAvv. Zangara Francesca

Goods included in lots (1)

  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1
  • Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1

Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT) - LOT 1

Biancavilla (CT)

Warehouse with land and instrumental assets in Biancavilla (CT), National Road 121 - LOT 1

The properties are listed in the Building Registry of the Municipality of Biancavilla at Sheet 56:
Parcel 686 - Category D/7 - R.C. € 19,200.00
Parcel 688 - Category C/2 - Class 1 - Consistency 22 sqm - R.C. € 31.81

The lands are listed in the Land Registry of the Municipality of Biancavilla at Sheet 56
Parcels 4 - 89 - 684 - 685 - 687 - 130 - 690

Industrial warehouse for processing and working agricultural products located in the peripheral and agricultural area of the Municipality of Biancavilla. The property is developed on a single elevation above ground with a first floor used as offices inside. Access to the warehouse is through a pedestrian and driveway gate slightly set back from National Road 121. It is composed as follows:
-The ground floor consists of a single environment with a metal supporting structure and lateral and roof closures in insulated panels. Inside there are monoblocks intended for refrigerated cells, an air-conditioned room for loading and unloading raw materials as there are loading platforms, and a block of bathrooms, separate changing rooms for men and women, as well as a department office. There is a metal structure shed adjacent to the warehouse structure, used for temporary shelter of vehicles. This structure, although serving the warehouse, falls within parcel 687;
-The first floor consists of n. 4 office rooms, two of which with a single balcony, in addition to various accessories. It is accessed through a staircase. This block is located above the part of the warehouse facing east. The structure of the office block as well as that of the staircase block is in reinforced concrete conglomerate.
The property is equipped with electrical and water systems, for which documentation is not available, but it is believed that they comply with the 2008 regulations since the Habitation Permit was issued in 2017.

The following movable assets are included in the sale:
-Industrial refrigeration system consisting of 2 refrigerated cells, loading/unloading area, refrigeration unit and electrical panel (Lot 11)
-No. 2 greenhouses with a total area of 25,800 sqm (Lot 12)
-Photovoltaic system with a total power of 50.00 KWp (Lot 17)
-Tomato processing line crate by crate with 24 positions (Lot 14)
-Processing line for peeled and bulk products crate by crate with 6 positions (Lot 15)
-Furniture, computer, electronic and various office supports (Lot 1)
-Rotary compressor and tank (Lot 2)
-LAUMAS scale (Lot 3)
-Electric pallet truck BT - LPE 2000 (Lot 4)
-Electric pallet truck BT - LPE 2000 (Lot 5)
-LINDE forklift truck (Lot 6)
-No. 1,600 fruit crates (Lot 7)
  • Area: 2955 sqm