
Sale Timed Law court of Bari Judicial Liquidation n. 27/2024

Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)

  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)

Starting priceEUR 101.500,00

Sale state

Sale experiment number1

LocationPoggiorsini (BA)

Minimum bidEUR 101.500,00

Minimum overbidEUR 1.000,00

Auction modeTimed

Offers deadlineWed 30/10/2024 at 12:00

Auction dateThu 31/10/2024 at 15:00

Deposit10,00% dell'offerta

Overbid time5 minutes

Indicated prices VAT and fees excluded

PVP Data
ID Inserzione4227964
ID Procedura958255
Tipo Proceduragiudiziaria
ID Tribunale0720060097
TribunaleTribunale di BARI
Anno Procedura2024
  • Soggetto
    TipoSoggetto specializzato alla vendita
    CognomeGobid international auction group srl
    ID Anagrafica4671003
    Soggetto VenditaNo
    Soggetto Visita1
  • Soggetto
    CognomeDi cagno
    ID Anagrafica4671004
    Soggetto Vendita1
    Soggetto VisitaNo
ID Lotto2125153
Descrizione (IT)Si raccolgono offerte per un appartamento con garage facente parte di un complesso residenziale a Poggiorsini (BA), via Martiri delle Foibe 13
Primo Identificativo2125153
IndirizzoVia Martiri delle Foibe 13
  • Bene
    ID Bene2767786
    Descrizione (IT)Gli immobili risultano censiti al Catasto Fabbricati del Comune di Poggiorsini al Foglio 9: Particella 497 – Sub 4 – Categoria A/2 – Classe 2 - Consistenza 6 vani – R.C. € 526,79; Particella 497 – Sub 13 – Categoria C/6 – Classe 2 – Consistenza 22 mq – R.C. € 32,95 L’immobile, catastalmente ubicato al piano terra, è accessibile dal portone di ingresso del civico 13 ed è composto da ingresso, soggiorno, vano cucina, tre camere da letto oltre due bagni ed un piccolo ripostiglio. È presente altresì un cortile pertinenziale esterno raggiungibile dal balcone ubicato sul lato est del fabbricato. Il fabbricato è stato edificato in epoca recente (2006) e le finiture e gli impianti appaiono in normale stato di manutenzione. Le porte interne sono del tipo in legno, gli infissi esterni sono del tipo in legno con doppio vetro, la porta di ingresso è del tipo blindato e lo stato di conservazione e di manutenzione degli ambienti interni appare in buone condizioni. Il garage è sito al piano S1 del medesimo fabbricato ed avente un accesso carrabile da via Martiri delle Foibe n. 13 ed un accesso pedonale dalla rampa interna condominiale. L’apertura del box è garantita da una porta basculante di tipo manuale che permette di accedere ad un unico ambiente adibito ad uso deposito e ricovero di automezzi.
    Primo Identificativo2767786
    IndirizzoVia Martiri delle Foibe 13
Dati Vendita
Data e oraThu 31 October 2024 at 15:002024-10-31T15:00:00
IndirizzoVia Sparano 50
Prezzo base101.500,00
Offerta Minima101.500,00
Rialzo Minimo1.000,00
Termine Presentazione OfferteWed 30 October 2024 at 12:002024-10-30T12:00:00
  • Sito
    Tipologiasito pubblicita
    Indirizzo URL
  • Sito
    Tipologiagestore delle vendite
    Indirizzo URL
Data pubblicazione01/08/20242024-08-01

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Lot description

ASYNCHRONOUS TELEMATICS SALE - Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA), via Martiri delle Foibe 13

Bids are being collected for an apartment with garage that is part of a residential complex.

Purchase offers can be submitted electronically, using the web form "Telematic Offer" provided by the Ministry of Justice through this web page by 12:00 PM on 05/09/2024

Users are advised to start filling out the offer well in advance of the deadline.

Starting auction price EUR 101,500.00

The sale operations will take place on September 6, 2024, starting at 3:00 PM

For further information on the lot and participation methods, please consult the sale notice and the attached documentation.

Procedure details

Law CourtBari

TypeJudicial Liquidation


ReceiverAvv. Di Cagno Augusto

Goods included in lots (1)

  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)
  • Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)

Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA)

Poggiorsini (BA)

Apartment with garage in Poggiorsini (BA), via Martiri delle Foibe 13

The properties are registered in the Land Registry of the Municipality of Poggiorsini on Sheet 9:

Parcel 497 – Sub 4 – Category A/2 – Class 2 - Size 6 rooms – R.C. € 526.79
Parcel 497 – Sub 13 – Category C/6 – Class 2 – Size 22 sqm – R.C. € 32.95

The property, registered as located on the ground floor, is accessible from the entrance door of number 13 and consists of an entrance, living room, kitchen area, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a small storage room. There is also an external courtyard accessible from the balcony located on the east side of the building. The building was constructed recently (2006) and the finishes and systems appear to be in normal maintenance condition. The internal doors are made of wood, the external fixtures are wooden with double glazing, the entrance door is armored, and the condition and maintenance of the internal environments appear to be in good condition.
The garage is located on the S1 floor of the same building and has a vehicular access from via Martiri delle Foibe no. 13 and a pedestrian access from the internal condominium ramp. The opening of the garage is ensured by a manual tilting door that allows access to a single room used for storage and parking of vehicles.
  • Retail surface: 136.5 sqm
  • Area: 123 sqm
  • Sqm Court: 45 sqm