
Sale Timed Law court of Catania Bankr. n. 113/2020

Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1

  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1

Starting priceEUR 316.536,89

Sale state

Sale experiment number6

Reduced by-65,00%


Minimum bidEUR 284.833,20

Minimum overbidEUR 10.000,00

Auction modeTimed

Offers deadlineThu 25/07/2024 at 12:00

Auction dateFri 26/07/2024 at 15:00

Deposit10,00% dell'offerta

Overbid time5 minutes

Buyer's premiumsee Sales Notice

Indicated prices VAT and fees excluded

PVP Data
ID Inserzione2243075
ID Procedura693789
Tipo Proceduragiudiziaria
ID Tribunale0870150093
TribunaleTribunale di CATANIA
RitoFALLIMENTARE (nuovo rito)
Anno Procedura2020
  • Soggetto
    ID Anagrafica4553939
    Soggetto Vendita1
    Soggetto VisitaNo
  • Soggetto
    TipoSoggetto specializzato alla vendita
    CognomeGobid International Auction Group Srl
    ID Anagrafica4553938
    Soggetto VenditaNo
    Soggetto Visita1
ID Lotto2027435
Descrizione (IT)Si raccolgono offerte per un locale commerciale al piano terra con magazzino al piano seminterrato di un edificio di maggiore consistenza a Catania, Via Volta 8/A - LOTTO 1
Primo Identificativo2027435
IndirizzoVia Volta 8/A
  • Bene
    ID Bene2669332
    Descrizione (IT)Gli immobili risultano censiti al Catasto Fabbricati del Comune di Catania al Foglio 20: Particella 350 - Sub 46 - Categoria C/1 - Classe 2 - Consistenza 207 mq - R.C. € 3.998,31; Particella 350 - Sub 45 - Categoria C/2 - Classe 6 - Consistenza 619 mq - R.C. € 1.982,06 Il locale commerciale in oggetto è sito al piano terra di un edificio di maggiore consistenza nel quartiere di Nesima in prossimità del Viale Mario Rapisardi e della circonvallazione, principali arterie stradali della Città di Catania. L’accesso al negozio si ha direttamente dalla corte esterna che affaccia su via Galvani, internamente si sviluppa in ampio spazio adibito ad esposizione e vendita, un bagno e quattro uffici. Al piano seminterrato è presente un magazzino, di 660 mq, collegato direttamente tramite scala interna con il locale commerciale al piano terra. È stato realizzato un soppalco di 230 mq. Al magazzino si può accedere anche tramite 4 aperture poste direttamente sulla corsia condominiale carrabile. L’accesso al magazzino si ha anche tramite rampa carrabile a cui si può accedere da Via Galvani e da Via Volta, l’accesso è chiuso da cancelli. Nella vendita sono compresi i beni mobili presenti all’interno dell’unità. Eventuali costi per lo smaltimento di detti beni non potranno per nessun motivo essere imputati alla procedura.
    Primo Identificativo2669332
    Indirizzovia Volta 8/A
    Bene Immobile
    • Dati catastali
    Tipo DenunciaProtocollo
Dati Vendita
Data e oraFri 26 July 2024 at 15:002024-07-26T15:00:00
Prezzo base316.536,89
Offerta Minima284.883,20
Rialzo Minimo10.000,00
Termine Presentazione OfferteThu 25 July 2024 at 12:002024-07-25T12:00:00
Pagamento Contributo
Spesa Prenotata Debito
Contributo Non DovutoNo
  • Sito
    Tipologiasito pubblicita
    Indirizzo URL
  • Sito
    Tipologiagestore delle vendite
    Indirizzo URL
Data pubblicazione10/06/20242024-06-10

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Lot description

TELEMATIC ASYNCHRONOUS SALE - Commercial premises in Catania, Via Volta 8/A - LOT 1

Offers are collected for a ground floor commercial premises with a basement warehouse of a building of greater consistency.

Purchase offers can be submitted telematically, using the web form "Telematic Offer" made available by the Ministry of Justice through this web page by 12:00 on 25/07/2024

Users are advised to start the offer completion process well in advance of the deadline.

Base auction price EUR 316,536.89

The sales operations will take place on July 26, 2024 starting from 15:00

For further information on the lot and on the participation methods, please refer to the sales notice and the attached documentation

Procedure details

Law CourtCatania



ReceiverAvv. Zangara Francesca

Goods included in lots (1)

  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1
  • Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1

Commercial premises in Catania - LOT 1


Commercial premises in Catania, Via Volta 8/A - LOT 1

The properties are listed in the Building Registry of the Municipality of Catania at Sheet 20:
Parcel 350 - Sub 46 - Category C/1 - Class 2 - Consistency 207 sqm - R.C.
€ 3,998.31
Parcel 350 - Sub 45 - Category C/2 - Class 6 - Consistency 619 sqm - R.C.
€ 1,982.06

The commercial premises in question are located on the ground floor of a larger building in the Nesima district near Viale Mario Rapisardi and the ring road, the main roads of the City of Catania. Access to the shop is directly from the external courtyard overlooking via Galvani, internally it develops into a large space used for exhibition and sales, a bathroom, and four offices. In the basement, there is a warehouse, 660 sqm, directly connected via an internal staircase to the commercial premises on the ground floor. A loft of 230 sqm has been built. The warehouse can also be accessed through 4 openings directly on the driveway of the condominium.
The sale includes the movable property inside the unit. Any costs for the disposal of these assets cannot under any circumstances be charged to the procedure.