Building land for auction in Marsciano (PG) - LOT 11
Marsciano (PG), Località Parco dei Pini
Building Area di 879 mq
OFFER COLLECTION - Building land in Marsciano (PG), Parco dei Pini area - LOT 11
The lands are registered in the Land Registry of the Municipality of Marsciano on Sheet 11:
Parcels 772 - 773 - Total area 879 sqm
The lands in question have a total area of 879 sqm, located centrally between Perugia, Panicale, and Marsciano, and is about 15 minutes by car from Perugia, approximately 20 km from Lake Trasimeno. It is connected to the A1 motorway via the E-45 expressway; Florence and Rome can be reached in about an hour and a half.
The implementation tool that allows the development of the areas was approved by the C.E.C. on 24-07.02 (prat. 1378/2002) and adopted by the Municipal Council of Marsciano on 30-07-02, with a Convention scheme for the realization of urbanization works approved by the same Municipal Council on 28-10-2002 n. 128.
With resolution n. 5 of the C.C. of 21-01-2005 and approval of 27-04-2005 n. 68, the variations for the redistribution of the parking lot - modification of some entrances to the lots - resizing of the paths and updating of the characteristics of underground services were authorized;
With variants to the implementation plan imposed by the Umbria Region during the environmental impact assessment with managerial determination n. 11690 of 18-12-2009 and authorized with Deliberation n.47 of the C.C. of 22-06-2010, variations in the resizing of project volumes - different distribution of project volumes - new planting scheme - requirements for parking paving - technical requirements to be used during the execution of the works - extension of the deadline were made.
Below are the consistencies indicated in the convention:
- Area 1,005 sqm
- Project volume 966.81 mc
- Eaves height 2.50 ml
- Maximum height 5.95 ml
- Tower height 6.30 ml
For further information, please consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
Auction History
Minimum overbid
- EUR 1.000,00
- by appointment
Reduced by
- -47%
Prices indicated are VAT excluded