Notice of sale

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Notice 26143 • Rif #B71433

Industrial property in Ribera (AG)

Ribera (AG), sp57

Industrial property


The undersigned Dr. Ciro Pinelli, with an office in Sciacca at Via Lido n. 8, in the capacity of Corporate Liquidator, pursuant to Article 2275, having to proceed with the liquidation of the assets of the represented company, offers for sale the following real estate:

Lot of land on which the industrial complex is located within the P.I.P. area of the municipality of Ribera and is identified by lots no. 50B, 51, 52, 55b, and 57 for a total area of 9680 sqm as deduced from the agreement, while the property occupies an area of 3365 sqm (2655 sqm warehouse + 710 sqm office building on 2 levels).
The industrial complex consists of:

1. warehouse in metal structure, with a roof covered with sandwich panels in pre-painted sheet metal and insulation in expanded polyurethane. The infill wall is made of tuff blocks and mixed mortar of 30 cm up to a height of 4.5 meters from the ground level, while the remaining part, after a glass strip of 1 meter, has sandwich panels with insulation with expanded polyurethane foam of 10 cm thickness at the eaves line, registered in the Land Registry at Map Sheet 84, Parcel 294 Sub 1 and 2, category D/7.

2. office building with a reinforced concrete frame structure and prefabricated brick-concrete floors, registered in the Land Registry at Map Sheet 84, Parcel 294, Sub. 3, category F/3.

The properties are offered for sale at a base price not less than:
euro 1,400,000.00 for proposals received by the deadline of March 31, 2025;
euro 1,100,000.00 for proposals received by the deadline of April 30, 2025.

The purchase proposals drawn up in free form must contain the following minimum information:
1. personal data of the bidder;
2. minimum offer amount;
3. time for the signing of the sale deed.

Proposals of interest for purchase must be sent to the following addresses:
1. Dr. Ciro Pinelli, Via Lido n. 8, 92019 Sciacca Ag


Auction History

  • Valore di stima immobile
    Initial value of Estimate

    2.050.000,00 €

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