Real estate unit in Rome - LOT 1 - RIGHT OF SURFACE
Roma, Via Giulio Pasquati 220
Property unit
Real estate unit in Rome, Via Giulio Pasquati 220 - LOT 1 - RIGHT OF SURFACE
The property is registered in the Land Registry of the Municipality of Rome under Sheet 262:
Parcel 850 - Sub 501 - Category F/3
The property in question is burdened by a mortgage registered as security for a mortgage loan and is located on the ground floor of a larger building constructed in the northern peripheral area of the Municipality.
The area is connected to Line B1 of the Rome Metro thanks to the Jonio Station.
The Lot is essentially made up of an undivided unit with lot 2, both in rough condition, with internal partitions left unfinished and with any kind of clutter abandoned inside.
• The urban destination is commercial use, corresponding to the cadastral category C/1.
• The lot is free of people and the right of surface is convertible into ownership, with a maximum cost of 5,000.00 euros.
• The commercial area of the covered surface is approximately 77 square meters.
• Common areas not registrable.
Based on the latest housing policies of the Municipality of Rome regarding the recovery of residential properties for both able-bodied individuals and disabled persons, due to the increased aging of the population and based on the state of abandonment of the commercial galleries of the Zone Plans that have remained mostly unused, according to the information gathered, the request for the transformation of Ground Floors from commercial to residential use could be considered.
There are cadastral and urban discrepancies that can be remedied.
For further information, please consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
Reserve price
Minimum overbid
- EUR 1.000,00
- by appointment
Buyer's premium
- see specific conditions
Prices indicated are VAT excluded