Apartment in Pedavena (BL) - LOT 9
Pedavena (BL), Via Roma 23
Bankruptcy Section
Bankruptcy n. 148/12
that on 1 December 2022 at 2.30 pm at his office in San Donà di Piave (VE) Via Cesare Battisti n. 33 (tel. 0421/52195 - fax. 0421/330697 - PEC: milanistudio@pec.it) will proceed with the sixth sales experiment pursuant to art. 107 L.F. of the following real estate:LOT 9
Apartment located in the Municipality of Pedavena (BL) full ownership
N.C.E.U. Municipality of Pedavena (BL) Sheet 14, parcel 305, sub. 2, cat. A / 3, cl. 1, 2.5 rooms, R.C. € 94.25, Via Roma n. 23 ex n. 13
Auction base price: 6,400.00 euros
Minimum bids in the event of a tender: € 500.00
Apartment on the ground floor of an old, multi-family, three-storey building. The apartment is on one floor, on the ground floor, with living room / kitchen / dining room, bathroom and bedroom. State of conservation just sufficient. Implants need to be checked. The property is free. Concession for execution of building works No. 199/88 prot. 5638/88 of 12/29/1989; habitability certificate issued on 02/11/1991 referring to building practice n.199 / 88-63 / 91. There are building irregularities, as described in the appraisal, to which reference should be made. The cost for the building amnesty is estimated in the appraisal at € 3,000.00. The base price takes this expense into account. It should be noted that there are constraints on the property that will remain the responsibility of the buyer (provided for in the current P.R.G.C.). There are registrations of mortgages and a transcript of the decree declaring bankruptcy. In the appraisal appraisal the cost for the cancellation of the prejudicial formalities is quantified in approximately Euro 2,300.00. The base price is net of this expense. It should also be noted, as better described in the appraisal to which you refer, that a correction of the cadastral sheet is necessary. This operation may be completed by the purchaser after the award and / or the deed of sale. Therefore the cadastral identification reported above may undergo a change. Sale subject to VAT.
It is assumed that:
the procedure has received an irrevocable offer to purchase the property referred to above, the essential points of which are set out below:
a) price offered: 6,400.00 euros (six thousand four hundred euros/00);
b) security deposit: non-transferable cashier's check made out to the procedure for € 1,280.00 (€ one thousand two hundred and eighty/00).
The bankruptcy procedure invites anyone interested in the purchase of the property identified above to participate in the tender to be held before the undersigned trustee, in the manner set out in this notice, in order to identify the best bidder with whom to start the procedure. award.
The purchase offers must be deposited with revenue stamp (revenue stamp of € 16.00) and in a sealed envelope at the office of the curator Lucia Milani, in San Donà di Piave (VE), Via C. Battisti n. 33 by 12 noon on the day before the auction.
For any further information, interested parties may contact the bankruptcy trustee Lucia Milani, tel. 0421/52195, fax 0421/330697, mail segreteria@milanistudio.it, hours: from Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 12.00 and from 15.00 to 17.00, Saturday, Sunday, excluding holidays.
The property appraisal report referred to in this notice of sale will be published on the Public Sales Portal and on the websites www.asteannunci.it, www.asteavvisi.it, www.canaleaste.it and www.tribunale.venezia.giustizia.it.
Real estate value
- By appointment
Prices indicated are VAT excluded