Property unit in Roma - LOT 6 - SURFACE RIGHT
Roma, Via Giulio Pasquati 220
OFFERS GATHERING - Property unit in Roma - LOT 6 - SURFACE RIGHT
The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Roma at sheet 262:
Parcel 850 - Sub 507 - Category A/4
Parcel 850 - Sub 511 - Share 1/5
The property in question is located on the third floor of a larger building built in the northern peripheral area of the Municipality.
The area is connected to Line B1 of the Rome Metro with the Jonio Station.
The Lot consists of a single environment complete with economical finishes.
• The lot is free of people and the right of surface can be transformed into a right of ownership, with a maximum cost of €5,000.00.
• The commercial square meters of the covered area are approximately 35 sqm.
• The balcony surface area is approximately 10.50 sqm.
There are cadastral and urban planning discrepancies can that be partially remedied.
For further information consult attached appraisal and documention.
Auction History
Minimum overbid
- EUR 1.000,00
- by appointment
Buyer's premium
- see specific terms
Reduced by
- -75%
Prices indicated are VAT excluded