Offers gathering

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Notice 26369.2 • Rif #B67838 • Law court of Roma • Bankr. 346/2022

Property unit in Roma - LOT 2 - SURFACE RIGHT

Roma, Via Giulio Pasquati 220


OFFERS GATHERING - Property unit in Roma - LOT 2 - SURFACE RIGHT

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Roma at sheet 262:

Parcel 850 - Sub 502-510 - Category F/3

The property in question is located on the ground floor of a larger building built in the northern peripheral area of the Municipality.
The Sub 502 is encumbered by a mortgage registered as security for a land loan.
The area is connected to Line B1 of the Rome Metro with the Jonio Station.

The Lot actually consists of an undivided unit with Lot 1, both rustic, with internal partitions left unfinished and with clutter of any kind abandoned inside.
• The urban planning destination is commercial use, corresponding to cadastral category C/1.
• The lot is free of people and the right of surface can be transformed into a right of ownership, with a maximum cost of €5,000.00.
• The covered commercial surface area is approximately 70 m2.
• The square meters of the warehouse area on the 1st floor are 160 square meters.
• Common parts not surveyable.

On the basis of the latest housing policies of the Municipality of Rome in the recovery as far as possible of properties for residential use both for the able-bodied but also for the disabled, due also to the increased aging of the population and on the basis of the state of abandonment of the remaining commercial galleries of the Area Plans mostly unused, according to the information collected, the request to transform the ground floors from commercial to residential use could be taken into consideration.

There are cadastral and urban planning discrepancies that can be remedied.

For further information consult attached appraisal and documention.


Auction History

  • Valore di stima immobile
    Initial value of Estimate

    180.890,00 €


Fri 14/03/2025
at 12:00
Wed 23/04/2025
at 12:00
Send an offer
info Minimum overbid
EUR 1.000,00
info Viewing
by appointment
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info Reduced by
info Prices indicated are VAT excluded
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How to participate in the bidding process

The procedure is easy and intuitive.

  1. Register on

    To activate your account, enter the required data which will be the same with which you will participate in the online competitive sale and to which, if applicable, the award of the property at auction will be attributed.

  2. Place your bid

    Click on "Make an offer", enter the amount you would like to offer, download and fill out the Offer Form. Pay the security deposit. Send the signed form along with the bank transfer receipt and the required documentation. You will be notified of the receipt of the offer on the sale page.

  3. Evaluation outcome

    The offer will undergo an evaluation process. The outcome will be communicated to you via email. If your offer is the only one approved, you will be able to directly acquire the property. If there are multiple valid offers, you will be allowed to participate in an online competitive auction open only to bidders. At the end of the sale, the highest bidder will be the winner of the property.

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