Office in Foligno (PG) - LOT 10
Foligno (PG)
Office di 109 mq
Office in Foligno (PG) Via Napoli 4 - LOT 10
The property is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Foligno at sheet 240:
Parcel 224 - Sub. 14 - Cat. A/10 - Class 2 - Consistence 5,5 compartments - R.C. 1,022.58 euro
The building is part of a building located on the suburb, in an area with a prevalent commercial and residential development. The building consists of three floors, one underground and two above ground. The office is located on the first floor, in the central part of the building, and is easily accessible by an external staircase. There is a disused lift at time. The office consists of a waiting room, an office, three rooms and a bathroom.
Please note the presence of remediable cadastral discrepancies.
For further information consult the appraisal (Point 3/c) and the attached documentation.
- EUR 3.984,00
Reserve price
Minimum overbid
- EUR 1.000,00
- by appointment
Buyer's premium
- see specific terms
Prices indicated are VAT excluded