Lands in San Martino Sannita (BN)
San Martino Sannita (BN)
Agricultural Land
Lands in San Martino Sannita (BN), Lungo Vallone Truccoli, Lentace locality
The landse are registered at Land Registry of City of San Martino Sannita at sheet 4:
Parcel 333 - Class 2 - Coppice Wood - R.D. € 12,30 - R.A. € 3,28
Parcel 334 - Class 4 - Arbored Arable - R.D. € 46,38 - R.A. € 60,29
Parcel 335 - Class 2 - Coppice Wood - R.D. € 20,58 - R.A. € 5,49
The lands are located nearly of the municipality of San Martino Sannito on the border with the village of San Nicola Manfredi. The area has dense arboreal vegetation and is characterized by a variable and non-linear slope.
For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
*please note that the areas highlighted in the photo are approximate, in order to indicate the area of interest and not the actual area
Auction History
- EUR 6.800,00
Reserve price
Minimum overbid
- EUR 1.000,00
- by appointment
Buyer's premium
- see specific terms
Reduced by
- -10%
Prices indicated are VAT excluded