Company sale operating of cured meat production in Montecchio (TR)
Montecchio (TR), Località Cordigliano, Strada Consorziale Teverina, Via Teverina n.13
Company sale
OFFERS GATHERING - Company sale operating of cured meat production in Montecchio (TR), Locality Cordigliano, Strada Consorziale Teverina, Via Teverina n.13
Business complex made up of tangible and intangible assets as better specified below:
- property on two levels (ground floor and first floor intended mainly for productive use, consisting of the presence of the factory. Then there are other portions used respectively for commercial use and for warehouse/storage use. As regards the state of the external and internal finishes, detected during the inspection, these appear to be, on the whole, acceptable on average, as there are more ancient portions and others recently renovated (see figs. 3 and 4). plants present.The land has a residual building potential of 38,480 cubic meters.
- plants, production machinery, equipment, vehicles, office furniture, office machinery, shop furniture and shop machinery
- rental fees for the business unit
Company branch lease contract
With deed dated 30.05.2017, the lease contract for the business branch was stipulated with the object of the business branch including the processing, transformation and preparation of meat, seasoning and related sales point. The leased company branch includes tangible assets and fixed assets, the real estate in which the activity of the branch in question is carried out, the right to exclusive use of the sign.
The lease of the business branch starts from 1 June 2017 for a duration of 3 (three) years, renewable every three years, unless cancellation is communicated by one party to the other by registered letter with months' notice 6 with respect to the contractual deadline. The annual rent envisaged by the contract has been established for the first three years at the rate of 1% (one per cent) of the gross revenues, net of VAT, which the lessee company will realize with the leased business branch and in any case not less than euro 10,500.00 per year plus VAT. Starting from the fourth year onwards, the rent referred to above is established at 2% (two percent) of the gross revenues generated by the lessee and in any case not less than 20,500.00 euros plus VAT. The contract provides that the rent is paid in monthly installments, on the 10th day of each month, each of the same amount for the first three years equal to 875.00 euros. Any adjustment due to the percentage of 1% (for the first three years) and 2% (for the following years), will be paid after verification of the amount of gross revenues, within 60 days of the expiry of each financial year starting from 1 June 2018. With a deed signed by Notary Filippo Clericò, rep. 19881, dated 6.08.2018 (Annex 4), the original rental contract was integrated with a termination clause ....." the same is terminated at the time of the sale, even in part, of the property in which it is carried out the activity covered by the aforesaid rental contract and the same is terminated when the notice of sale relating to the movable property described in the list attached to the aforementioned contract under the letter "A" is published, of the
movable property registered and forming part of the leased branch of business”…..
With an application filed on 28.01.2021, the company requested the authorization to amend the art. 2 of the business branch rental contract, asking to eliminate the termination clause envisaged in the event of publication of the notice of sale.
On 04.30.2021, subject to the favorable opinion of the Judicial Commissioner of the arrangement with creditors, the company therefore amended the lease contract for the business unit, providing that the same is terminated only at the time of the actual award, with the obligation to release the property within six months of the award itself.
With a notice published on 03/21/2024, the Curatorship called for a collection of irrevocable offers for the stipulation of a rental contract for the branch of the company that is the subject of this competitive procedure, which ended on 05/21/2024 without any offers being received. Therefore, the rental contract referred to in the deed of 05/30/2017, as amended, was renewed with the same lessee under the conditions already agreed upon.
The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Montecchio at sheet 25 - Parcel 96 – Category D/7
The land is registered at Land Registry of City of Montecchio at sheet 25 – Parcel 96 – Ente urbano – Surface 20.000 sqm:
For further information consult attached appraisal and documentation
Real estate value
Minimum overbid
- EUR 10.000,00
- by appointment
Buyer's premium
- see specific terms
Reduced by
- -25%
Prices indicated are VAT excluded
PVP Data
ID Inserzione | 4232832 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Procedura | |||||||||||||||||||||
Tipologia | giudiziaria | ||||||||||||||||||||
ID Procedura | 851775 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Tipo Procedura | giudiziaria | ||||||||||||||||||||
ID Tribunale | 0540510090 | ||||||||||||||||||||
ID Rito | NFAL | ||||||||||||||||||||
ID Registro | PROCEDURE_CONCORSUALI | ||||||||||||||||||||
Tribunale | Tribunale di SPOLETO | ||||||||||||||||||||
Registro | PROCEDURE CONCORSUALI | ||||||||||||||||||||
Rito | FALLIMENTARE (NUOVO RITO) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Num.Procedura | 13 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Anno Procedura | 2022 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Soggetti | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Lotto | |||||||||||||||||||||
ID Lotto | 2129505 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Descrizione (IT) | Cessione azienda produzione salumi a Montecchio (TR) - vendita telematica sulla piattaforma n.23690 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Primo Identificativo | 2129505 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Codice | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Genere | AZIENDE | ||||||||||||||||||||
Categoria | CESSIONE E AFFITTO D'AZIENDA | ||||||||||||||||||||
Indirizzo | Località Cordigliano, Strada Consorziale Teverina, Via Teverina n.13 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Comune | Montecchio | ||||||||||||||||||||
Provincia | Terni | ||||||||||||||||||||
Regione | Umbria | ||||||||||||||||||||
Nazione | Italia | ||||||||||||||||||||
Beni | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Dati Vendita | |||||||||||||||||||||
Data e ora | Thu 10 October 2024 at 12:01 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Tipologia | COMPETITIVA | ||||||||||||||||||||
Modalità | PRESSO IL VENDITORE | ||||||||||||||||||||
Indirizzo | vendita telematica sulla piattaforma | ||||||||||||||||||||
CAP | 20148 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Comune | Milano | ||||||||||||||||||||
Provincia | Milano | ||||||||||||||||||||
Regione | Lombardia | ||||||||||||||||||||
Nazione | Italia | ||||||||||||||||||||
Prezzo base | 1.590.000,00 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Offerta Minima | 1.590.000,00 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Rialzo Minimo | 10.000,00 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Termine Presentazione Offerte | Thu 10 October 2024 at 12:00 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Siti | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Data pubblicazione | 20/08/2024 |