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aukce 21033 • Rif #B53810 • Soud Vicenza • Padl. 127/2020

Residential building under contruction in Sandrigo (VI)

Sandrigo (VI)



Residential building under contruction in Sandrigo (VI), via Rivana 11

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Sandrigo at sheet 6:

Parcel 1362 - Sub 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13

The building in question is spread over two and four floors above ground as well as a basement.
The initial project authorized with a building permit, now expired, provided for the construction of 5 residential units with uncovered parking spaces and common areas.
The total area of ​​the property is 664 square meters including porches and terraces.
The housing units provided are developed in:
- apartment on the ground floor and basement with cellar, laundry, storage room and exclusive stairwell in the basement and on the ground floor porch, living room-kitchen, utility room, hallway, two bedrooms and a bathroom, hallway, double bedroom with bathroom and wardrobe, stairwell to access the basement, as well as an exclusive uncovered courtyard;
- apartment on the ground floor with living room-kitchen, hallway, two bedrooms and a bathroom, as well as exclusive discovery supplies;
- apartment on the first and second floor with living room-kitchen on the first floor, terrace, laundry room with access to the non-habitable attic, hallway, bathroom and bedroom; on the second floor a room connected by an internal staircase;
- apartment on the first floor with living room-kitchen, hallway, two bedrooms and a bathroom;
- apartment on the second floor and mezzanine with living room-kitchen, hallway, two bedrooms and a bathroom on the second floor; an internal staircase still to be built leads to the mezzanine floor with a large attic room

It should be noted that the building is under construction and in an advanced raw state; the sewage system, the drains, the flues have been prepared, all the other systems have to be carried out; the project involves the use of renewable sources, solar and photovoltaic panels have been set up.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.


  • Plocha Plocha:664
  • Parkovací místo Parkovací místo:170

info Kauce
EUR 21.566,63
info Cena
info Minimální příhoz
EUR 6.470,00
info Vize
by appointment
info Kupní prémie
see specific terms
info Ceny uvedeny bez DPH
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