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aukce 18606 • Rif #B51652 • Soud Vicenza • Likvidace majetku 3/2018

Agricultural lands in Valdagno (VI) - Bare Property

Valdagno (VI)

Zemědělská půda

Agricultural lands in Valdagno (VI), Locality Barbarana - Bare property


The lands are registered at Land Registry of City of Valdagno at sheet 23:

Parcel 292 - Surface 1,206 sqm - R.D. € 5.29 - R.A. € 3.11
Parcel 294 - Surface 936 sqm - R.D. € 6.77 - R.A. € 3.63
Parcel 295 - Surface 964 sqm - R.D. € 3.49 - R.A. € 1.99
Parcel 415 - Surface 3,439 sqm - R.D. € 12.43 - R.A. € 7.10
Parcel 730 - Surface 704 sqm - R.D. € 4.36 - R.A. € 2.18
Parcel 1,804 - Surface 4,064 sqm - R.D. € 25.19 - R.A. € 12.59

The land in question is located about 4 km from the center of the municipality of Valdagno in a hilly area.
For agricultural use, they are used as lawns and partially as hedges/woods, with a partially flat and partially hilly position.
Access is via a dirt road.

The land falls partly in the Homogeneous Territorial Zone type E1/ta and partly in the E2/a zone.
It should be noted that an Act of Destination was established on parcels 292-294-295-415-730-1804 pursuant to Art. 2645-Ter of the Civil Code.
In order to issue the Permit, a destination bond has been created for the construction of an agricultural tool shed, on the land marked with the parcel 415.
In relation to this building permit, the communication of the commencement of works has been filed jointly
on 01/04/2009, but in fact the building works relating to the authorized artifacts have never really been carried out; at the time of the inspection by the undersigned at the assets in question, the land was free of building artifacts.

The land is subject to usufruct in the name of a person born in 1949.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.


  • Plocha Plocha:11.313

Historie Aukcí

  • Valore di stima immobile
    Počáteční hodnota odhadu

    41.000,00 €

  • Valore iniziale immobile
    Aktuální cena

    2,84 €/mq

info Kauce
EUR 850,00
info Cena
info Minimální příhoz
EUR 500,00
info Vize
by appointment
info Kupní prémie
see specific terms
info Ceny uvedeny bez DPH
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