Аукција на мрежи

 Сачувај ПоделиПодели
аукција 22373 • Rif #B001244 • Суд Campobasso • Ц.П. 7/2015

Industrial building in Campochiaro (CB)

Campochiaro (CB)



Industrial building in Campochiaro (CB), Via Vespucci, Industrial Area

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Campochiaro at sheet 4:

Parcel 793 - Sub 17 -18 -  Category D/1 - R.C. € 10,342.00 €

The building is located in the industrial area of ​​the Municipality of Campochiaro. Built within a larger plot, it's bounded by a low wall surmounted by a wire mesh. The property is in excellent state of repair and consists in two buildings used for production and processing of food products.

The main building is used for processing and offices. On the east there are two entrances, one for heavy vehicles and the other for pedestrian access.
On the west façade there are two large iron doors for the procurement of the raw material through the tankers trucks.
Under the cover, accessible by trapdoors, most of the electromechanical devices for air conditioning were installed.
Production takes place on the ground floor of the shed, while the administrative offices and the analysis laboratory for the specifications and quality control of the products are on the first floor.
The productive area of ​​the building is divided into two parts by a corridor. On the left side there are the shearing room, the maturation room, the mold washer, the innovative products packaging room, the stracchino packaging room and the traditional products packaging room.
On the right side there are the refrigerating room, a storage room, a sanitizing room and the mess hall with the relative toilets, with washable  industrial cement paving.
The rooms are heated by aluminum radiators connected to a natural gas boiler.
All the flooring is made with special antacid tiles, which are indispensable for the work foreseen in the structure.
The doors leading to the refrigerating room are sliding electrically controlled.
The lighting system is of the ceiling light type.

The offices are located on the first floor, covering an area of ​​about 150 square meters, are internally divided into administrative secretary, management, bathroom, staff office, chemical laboratory, a compartment for the electrical panels and a staircase that leads to the false ceiling of the shed and accessible roof.

The plant components, as already mentioned, are housed in the false ceiling in order to carry out maintenance without interrupting production.

The smaller building, 110 square meters, houses the power plant. It has a steel supporting structure, foundations in reinforced concrete and roof in corrugated sheet..

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.


  • Површина Површина:1.522

info Кауција
EUR 26.100,00
info Минимална понуда
EUR 2.500,00
info Вид
by appointment
info Купацева премија
see specific terms
info Цене наведене без ПДВ
Општи услови Специфични услови Затражи информације Захтевај приказ

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