Subhasta en línia

 Desa ComparteixComparteix
subhasta 22778 • Rif #B62995 • Tribunal de Gela • Caiguda. 15/2019

Commercial premises and laboratory in Gela (CL)

Gela (CL), Strada Statale 117/bis



Commercial premises and laboratory in Gela (CL), Strada Statale 117/bis

The properties are listed in the Building Registry of the Municipality of Gela at Sheet 148:
Parcel 499 - Category C/3 - Class 1 - Consistency 693 sqm - R.C. € 4,724.34
Parcel 500 - Sub 1 - Category C/1 - Class 2 - Consistency 121 sqm - R.C. € 2,118.45
Parcel 500 - Sub 2 - Category C/3 - Class 1 - Consistency 190 sqm - R.C. € 1,295.27

The land is listed in the Building Registry of the Municipality of Gela at Sheet 148:
Parcel 555 - Irrigated arable land - Consistency 1,669 sqm - R.D. € 20.17

The lot in question consists of three real estate units with an internal courtyard, characterized by a shed used for artisanal activities and offices (parcel 499), and a building with a single above-ground elevation partly used as a shop (parcel 500/1) and partly used for artisanal activities (parcel 500/2).

1) Shed on parcel 499
The shed, used for artisanal activities, consists of three buildings with different heights; the main building is divided into two different rooms through a partition, one used as a workshop with an attached office, the other as auto parts; the low building to the northwest is used as an office, while the one to the southwest has several rooms used for washing, storage, changing room, and toilet. In the room used for auto parts, a mezzanine with a metal structure covered with planking and accessible by a metal staircase has been built without proper authorization. This abuse is not correctable.

2) Properties on parcels 500 sub. 1 and 2
The construction consists of two real estate units: the first used for commercial activities and listed in the land registry with parcel 500 sub. 1, is characterized by an exhibition hall, an office, and a bathroom, with internal walls plastered and painted. The flooring is in stoneware. The property is also equipped with underground electrical and water systems; the second used for artisanal activities and listed in the land registry with parcel 500 sub. 2, is characterized by a large room, a hallway, and three offices.

During the inspection, it was also possible to observe the presence of an abusive work in the north courtyard, consisting of a roof made with a metal structure covered with corrugated sheet metal. This abuse is not correctable and therefore Article 40 paragraph 6 of Law 47/85 does not apply, as the construction took place after the time limits granted by Article 31 of Law 47/85, as amended by Article 39 of Law 724/94, as well as by Article 32 of D.L. 269/2003, since the construction of the work is to be dated after March 31, 2003.

It is noted that the delivery of the property in case of award is subject to the sale of movable property, as well as the disposal of expired products.

For further information, please consult the expertise and documentation attached.


  • Sup. comercial Sup. comercial:2620
  • Superfície Superfície:951
  • Mq Pati Mq Pati:1669

info Fiança
EUR 25.444,00
info Preu de reserva
info Increment mínim
EUR 2.500,00
info Visió
by appointment
info Prima de l'adquirent
see specific conditions
info Preus indicats sense IVA
Condicions generals Condicions específiques Demana informació Sol·licita una visió

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