Subhasta en línia

 Desa ComparteixComparteix
subhasta 15327 • Rif #B56882 • Tribunal de Latina • Caiguda. 93/2012

Industrial complex on a state-owned area - COMPANY BRANCH SALE

Fiumicino - Roma, Zona Isola Sacra, Lungomare della Salute 2

Complex Industrial


Industrial complex on a state-owned area, Zona Isola Sacra, Lungomare della Salute 2 - COMPANY BRANCH SALE

The Branch Company consists of:

- Surface property of an Industrial complex for specific shipyard use, registered in the Building Registry of the Municipality of Fiumicino at Sheet 1059 - Particles 4 - 6 - 10 - 209 - Category D / 1 - R.C. € 2,788.87. The complex in question, as mentioned, includes an area of ​​5,569.19 square meters with some buildings for different purposes, two yards and other small artifacts and a free body of water of 600.36 square meters, all for an area of ​​a total square meters. 6,169.55. The buildings are distinguished by the different intended uses: processing shed of 1,155 square meters with a height of 14 meters, warehouse of 431.99 square meters with a height of 7 meters, office building of 416.25 square meters, building serving the workers of 66.16 square meters, paint warehouse 52.65 m2 and 2.50 meters high, 86.37 m2 workshop, 35.66 m2 winch room, 33.24 m2 containers. There are two uncovered areas. The State Concession also provides for the use of an adjacent stretch of water, having a total area of ​​600.36 square meters.

- Equipment and machinery located at the above industrial complex. It is strongly recommended that the aforementioned goods be viewed in light of possible discrepancies between the list attached to this document and the actual consistency of the same.

- The state-owned concession currently in place has been extended by law until 31 December 2022. Specifically, this is License no. 0007 of 2019, issued on 7 June 2019, Rep. N. 4548 valid from 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2020 and extended to 31 December 2022 pursuant to art. 199 d.l. n. 34/2020, converted with amendments into l. n. 77/2020, as amended by art. 5, paragraph 3-bis d.l. 146/2021 converted into l. n. 215/2021.
It is also acknowledged that the sub-entry into the Fiumicino state concession is conditional on obtaining the appropriate authorization, pursuant to art. 46 cod. nav., by the competent Port Authority.

For further information consult attached appraisal and documention.

info Fiança
EUR 20.000,00
info Preu de reserva
info Increment mínim
EUR 5.000,00
info Visió
by appointment
info Prima de l'adquirent
info Preus indicats sense IVA
Condicions generals Condicions específiques Demana informació Sol·licita una visió

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