Subhasta en línia

 Desa ComparteixComparteix
subhasta 14328 • Rif #B39288 • Tribunal de Perugia • Caiguda. 110/2017

Farmhouse Structures - Valfabbrica (PG)

Valfabbrica (PG) - Italy

Cases i Apartaments


Facilities at the Farm Service Service consisting of the following properties and movable property:


- "Centro agrituristico San Pietro",
Municipality of Valfabbrica - Fg. 8 - Part. 4 - Sub. 2 - Ground floor offices
Sub. 2 - Apartment P.1 °
Sub. 3 - Church on the ground floor

A short distance from the hotel complex of "Badia Torre" and in adherence to the monumental complex of the Church of San Pietro, in recent times, a building was added, placed in an orthogonal position with respect to another building and the rectory, with the function of connection.

- "Vocabolo Le Case Holiday House", Municipality of Valfabbrica - Fg. 7 - Part. 60. Building complex located at an altitude of 540 m s.l.m. on the ridge of the hill; originally an ancient rural agglomeration for colonial settlements. The structure, with its complex architecture, is divided into various buildings connected to each other by adjoining walls and connecting elements.

- “Chiesa di Sant’Anna”, Municipality of Valfabbrica - Fg. 8 - Part. 42. Over the centuries, several times it has suffered damage and devastation also due to earthquakes; in recent years it has been the subject of an important architectural and structural recovery, which restored its original appearance

For further information consult the appraisal and the brochure in the annex
The movable assets are composed of:

- Office furniture and equipment
- Sacred furnishings, equipment and ornaments
- N. 68 artistic assets

For further information see the complete list of movable goods, complete list of artistic assets and technical data sheet in the annex
info Fiança
EUR 420.000,00
info Preu de reserva
info Increment mínim
EUR 10.000,00
info Visió
see specific condition
info Prima de l'adquirent
see specific conditions
info Rebaixament
info Preus indicats sense IVA
Condicions generals Condicions específiques Demana informació Sol·licita una visió

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