Subhasta en línia

 Desa ComparteixComparteix
subhasta 16714.2 • Rif #B48057 • Tribunal de Fermo • Caiguda. 7/2020

Workshop in Milano - Navigli




Workshop in Milano, via Vigevano 33
The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Milano at sheet 473:

Parcel 512 - Sub 731 - Category C/3 - Class 8 - Consistency 272 sqm - Cadastral Rent € 941.19

This is a laboratory currently used as a show room in the Navigli area of ​​Milan, a semi-central and residential area, Via Vigevano, a very busy street by to the number of premises present and the connection between the Porta Genova station and the Darsena.
The property is located on the ground floor and basement of a larger residential complex.
Access to the property is directly from via Vigevano along a corridor that crosses part of the building, equipped with two automatic drive-over gates.
Externally there is an exclusive area used for parking, approximately three parking spaces, an added value in a street where the possibility of parking is limited.
The laboratory has access from the ground floor and is spread over two levels connected by a reinforced concrete staircase with resin finish.
The flooring throughout the room is of the quartz-finished industrial floor type.
All rooms are equipped with summer and winter air conditioning, electrical system, cable radio and alarm system.
The property is currently used as a showroom.

For further information consult the appraisal ("BENE 3") and the attached documentation.


  • Superfície Superfície:319
  • Pla Pla:S1 - T

info Fiança
EUR 70.500,00
info Preu de reserva
info Increment mínim
EUR 1.000,00
info Visió
by appointment
info Prima de l'adquirent
see specific terms
info Preus indicats sense IVA
Condicions generals Condicions específiques Demana informació Sol·licita una visió

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Habitatges Similars

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EUR 8.000,00 MIN 6.000,00

Immoble Comercial a Belgioioso (PV) - lot 4

Subhasta mixta
Data de la venda
19 November 2024 hores 15:00
Fitxa de venda Venda 24283.4
Immoble Comercial a Belgioioso (PV) - lot 5
EUR 8.100,00 MIN 6.075,00

Immoble Comercial a Belgioioso (PV) - lot 5

Subhasta mixta
Data de la venda
19 November 2024 hores 15:00
Fitxa de venda Venda 24284.5
Immoble Comercial a Belgioioso (PV) - lot 12
EUR 21.300,00 MIN 15.975,00

Immoble Comercial a Belgioioso (PV) - lot 12

Subhasta mixta
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19 November 2024 hores 15:00
Fitxa de venda Venda 24291.12
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EUR 188.000,00

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