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 Desa ComparteixComparteix
subhasta 9657 • Rif #B001144 • Tribunal de Foggia • Caiguda. 95/2017

Industrial buildings in Candela (FG)

Candela (FG)


Industrial buildings in Candela (FG), Zona PIP, Lungo Strada Provinciale 99


The industrial building aren't stacked and insist on an area identified at Land Registry of City of Candela at sheet 10:
Parcel 88 - Quality Arable - Class 4 - R.D. 9,30 € - R.A. 10,46 €
The lot is made up of three distinct buildings:
- shed of an area of 1,000 square meters;
- a building used as changing rooms for employees and lodging for the caretaker for a total of 202.49 square meters;
- an office building of 205.16 square meters
- external area of 3,092.35 square meters
The shed consists of a prefabricated structure with a floor area of 50*20. Inside we find a mezzanine of 190 square meters which project destination was for exhibition purposes. The ground floor and the mezzanine are connected by a staircase. The fixtures are in iron with single glass, the access doors in metallic material. Moisture stains are present, probably due to the absence of insulation and maintenance degradation, false ceiling is collapsed in several points, the electrical systems are present but not working.
The buildings used for offices and services for the employees consist of only the reinforced concrete skeleton. The two structures are adjacent but with separate entrances.
From the design documents it is clear that the internal divisions of the single buildings were:
- the offices develop on two levels, on the ground floor we find the entrance, an office, an archive and a bathroom. Going up to the first pinao there are three offices, two bathrooms and a small archive;
- changing rooms and caretakers are also developed on two levels. At the ground floor we find the kitchen, the dining room, the locker rooms and the services. The first floor is instead used as a dwelling with kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom and a small storage room.
The external courtyard is in a total state of abandonment and holding tanks with net were detected, presumably intended for use in wastewater treatment.
It should be noted that the real estate units currently present differences with the state of the project and are not yet registered at the Real Estate Registry of the City of Candela.
For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.


  • Superfície Superfície:1.407,65

Històric de Subhastes

  • Valore di stima immobile
    Valor inicial de l'estima

    264.514,00 €

  • Valore iniziale immobile
    Preu actual

    173,08 €/mq

info Fiança
EUR 24.363,10
info Preu de reserva
info Increment mínim
EUR 1.000,00
info Visió
by appointment
info Prima de l'adquirent
info Preus indicats sense IVA
Condicions generals Condicions específiques

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