Erregistroarekin eskaintza bilduma

 Gorde BanatuBanatu
Hitzordua 24242.5 • hogeita bost: 5 • Rif #B66803 • Tribunalua Perugia • Huts egin. 23/2017

House in Sansepolcro (AR) - LOT 5 - SHARE 1/2

Sansepolcro (AR), Località Santa Fiora, Via Bosi 7

Country House di 69 mq

OFFERS COLLECTION - House in Sansepolcro (AR), Locality Santa Fiora, Via Bosi 7 - LOT 5 - SHARE 1/2

The property is listed in the Building Registry of the Municipality of Sansepolcro at Sheet 74:
Parcel 190 scratched with parcel 193 - Category A/4 - Class 6 - Consistency 6.5 rooms - Surface 116 sqm - R.C. € 402.84
Parcel 386 - Category C/6 - Class 4 - Consistency sqm 12 - Catastal Surface sqm 20 - R.C. € 43.38

The lands are listed in the Land Registry of the Municipality of Sansepolcro at Sheet 74:
Parcel 186 - Orchard - Class 2 - Surface 160 sqm - R.D. € 1.24 - R.A. € 0.70

In addition to the above, the common asset represented by the internal access staircase to the residential portion (already indicated in the property floor plan) is included, catastrally identified by parcel 189 of sheet 74, and the rights on the external area identified by parcel no. 72 of sheet no. 74.

The property in question is a house on three above-ground floors that is part of a larger terraced building.
On the ground floor of the residential portion there is a room used as a kitchen, with a kitchenette partly adjacent and partly internally under the stairs.
On the first floor there is a bedroom with a bathroom.
On the second floor there is a bedroom.

In front of the residential portion there is an annex consisting of two rooms for storage use, cellar and storage room on the ground floor, a room for storage use and a storage room on the first floor.

Adjacent to the north side of the annex, a shed of about 13.00 sqm has been built, with an average height of about 2.00 meters, with a precarious sheet metal structure and completely unauthorized.

For further information, please refer to the attached expertise and documentation.


  • Azalera Azalera:69
  • Mq Biltegia Mq Biltegia:81
  • Lotearen Kodea Lotearen Kodea:5


Artxiboa Asteak

  • Valore di stima immobile
    Balio Hasierako

    37.000,00 €

  • Valore iniziale immobile
    Egungo prezioa

    321,74 €/mq

Egin eskaintza
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info Eroslearen gaina
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info Prezioak adierazten dira BEZa kanpo
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Nola parte hartu eskaintza bildumara

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  1. Erregistratu

    Zure kontua aktibatzeko, eskatutako datuak sartu beharko dituzu, onlineko salmentza lehiakorrera parte hartuko duzun datuak izango direnak, eta, hala badagokio, eskaintza emango zaizun ereduari.

  2. Eskaintza egin zure

    Klik egin "Eskaintza egin", sartu eskaintzeko zenbatekoa, deskargatu eta bete Eskaintza Modulua. Ordaindu diru-sarrerako depositua. Bidali sinatutako modulua bonifikazioaren kontabilitatearekin eta eskatutako dokumentazioarekin. Eskaintza jasotzea jakinaraziko zaizu salmentzaren orrialdean.

  3. Balorazio emaitza

    Oferta baliozkotzat hartuko da balorazio prozesuan. Emaitza posta elektroniko bidez jakinaraziko zaizu. Zure oferta bakarra onartua izanez gero, zureganatu ahal izango duzu etxebizitza zuzenean. Oferta egokiak gehiago badira, soilik eskualdeko eskaintza online lehiaketa irekian parte hartzeko baimenduta izango zara. Salmentaren amaieran, hoberenak eskaintzailea izango da etxebizitza irabazlea.


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Saltzen da
Erregistroarekin eskaintza bilduma
Oharra-iragarkia Hitzordua 23862.3
Vivienda eremu eremua Perugiako etxebizitzarako

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Saltzen da
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Salmenta orria Saltzailea 23351
Gubbion (PG) - lota 2ko Etxebizitza
EUR 92.250,00 MIN 69.187,50

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