Erregistroarekin eskaintza bilduma

 Gorde BanatuBanatu
Hitzordua 24323.2 • Rif #B56809 • Tribunalua Tivoli • Huts egin. 25/2011

Artisanal buildings in San Cesareo (Roma) - LOT 2

San Cesareo - Roma


OFFERS GATHERING - Artisanal buildings in San Cesareo (Roma), Via della Colonnetta 4 - LOT 2

The buildings are registered at Real Estate Registry of City of San Cesareo at sheet 55:
Parcel 170 - Sub 502 - Category C/3 - Class U - Consistency 159 sqm - Cadastral Rent € 821.17 
Parcel 170 - Sub 509 - Category C/6 - Class 01 - Consistency 19 sqm - Cadastral Rent € 21.48
Parcel 202 - Sub 1 - Category C/3 - Class U - Consistency 80 sqm - Cadastral Rent € 413.17 - Emphyteusis 1/2
Parcel 202 - Sub 2 - Category C/3 - Class U - Consistency 112 sqm - Cadastral Rent € 578.43 - Emphyteusis 1/2
Parcel 203 - Category C/3 - Class U - Consistency 148 sq m - Cadastral Rent € 764.36 - Emphyteusis 1/2
Parcel 208 - Category F/1 - Consistency 305 sqm 

The lands are registered at Land Registry of City of San Cesareo at sheet 55:
Parcel 201 - vineyard - Class 1 - Surface 2,132 sqm - R.D. € 38.54 - R.A. € 20.37 - Emphyteusis 1/2
Parcel 168 - vineyard - Class 1 - Surface 190 sqm - R.D. € 3,43 – R.A. € 1,82 - Emphyteusis 1/4

The lot in question consists of:

- Parcel 170 sub. 502 and parcel 202 sub 1 - 2, building consisting of two warehouses, one for the processing of iron and the other for the processing of aluminum, independent but with the bearing wall in common. Near the aluminum laboratory there is a high canopy covering the loading and unloading area of ​​the processing. The offices are located in the basement, while the shed is built on the ground floor. The craft shed consists of two laboratories, one for the storage and processing of iron, the other for the storage and processing of aluminum. The entrances to the laboratories are covered by a shelter with a steel structure. The internal height of the laboratory for iron varies from mt. 5.20 to 3.90 meters and the aluminum laboratory varies from 4.20 to 3.40 meters, while the height of the canopy covers the two buildings and varies from 5.00 to 4.40 meters.

- parcel 203, room for the processing of wood-aluminum frames made illegally and for which, on 10.12.2004 with protocol 14887, an application for building amnesty was presented in the municipality of San Cesareo. It consists of an environment for processing wood-aluminum frames and an adjacent room with independent access for painting.

Please note the presence of building abuses.

The property is occupied under a terminated lease.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.


Artxiboa Asteak

  • Valore di stima immobile
    Balio Hasierako

    359.022,26 €

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Folignoko (PG) laborategia - LOTE 2

Folignoko (PG) laborategia - LOTE 2

Saltzen da
Saltzeko data
04 February 2021 orduak 15:30
Salmenta orria Saltzailea 9698.2
Laborategia Perugian - 5-6 LOTEA
EUR 103.200,00 MIN 77.400,00

Laborategia Perugian - 5-6 LOTEA

Saltzen da
Saltzeko data
28 April 2022 orduak 17:00
Salmenta orria Saltzailea 14162.5
Korcianoko (PG) artisau lantegia
EUR 328.450,45 MIN 246.337,84

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Saltzeko data
24 September 2024 orduak 11:00
Salmenta orria Saltzailea 23299
Gubbion (PG) laborategia

Gubbion (PG) laborategia

Saltzen da
Saltzeko data
27 February 2024 orduak 11:00
Salmenta orria Saltzailea 20897
Industria Higienikoa Costacciaron (PG) - lote 1
EUR 49.500,00 MIN 37.125,00

Industria Higienikoa Costacciaron (PG) - lote 1

Saltzen da
Saltzeko data
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Salmenta orria Saltzailea 23917
Gubbion (PG) - LOTTO 1rako Laborategia

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Saltzen da
Saltzeko data
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