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 Gorde BanatuBanatu
artekatza 16866 • Rif #B46414 • Tribunalua Ancona • Huts egin. 105/2011

Store and three apartments in Monte San Vito (AN)

Monte San Vito (AN)



Store and three apartments in Monte San Vito (AN), Via dell'Artigiano

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Monte San Vito at sheet 11:

Parcel 308 - Sub 3 - Category D/7 - Cadastral Rent € 5,681.03
Parcel 308 - Sub 4 - Category A/2 - Class 3 - Consistency 6.5 compartments - Cadastral Rent € 453.19
Parcel 308 - Sub 5 - Category A/2 - Class 3 - Consistency 6.5 compartments - Cadastral Rent € 453.19
Parcel 308 - Sub. 6 - Category A/2 - Class 3 - Consistency 4 compartments - Cadastral Rent € 278.89

The property complex in question is located in the industrial area of ​​the Municipality of Monte San Vito, 1.5 km from the city center.
The property has two entrances, one for pedestrians and one for vehicles, both equipped with an automated gate.
The entire property is bordered by a fence.
The external courtyard is partly paved, partly planted as a garden and partly dirt used for the passage of vehicles for loading and unloading goods.
The property is divided as follows:
- Property A, spread over the entire ground floor and is internally divided into entrance/reception, shop, vault, laboratory, warehouse, storage in the basement, changing room area with bathrooms and the office area;
- Property B, located on the first floor of the building, apartment of about 108 square meters, consists of an entrance, hall, living room, three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a hallway. From the living room and the bedrooms you can access the large outdoor terrace of 392 square meters;
- Property C, located on the first floor of the building, apartment of about 110 square meters, consists of a living room, kitchenette, two bathrooms, two bedrooms and a hallway. From the living room and bedrooms you have access to the large terrace of 190 square meters;
- Property C, located on the second floor, apartment of about 83 square meters, consists of a living room, kitchen, a bedroom, a bathroom and a closet. There are two balconies for a total area of ​​165 square meters.

Please note that there are some remediable irregularities.

For further information consult attached appraisal and documention.


  • Azalera Azalera:1.110

info Bermea
EUR 17.768,00
info Eskaintza prezioa
info Txikiena igoera
EUR 4.000,00
info Ikuspegi
by appointment
info Eroslearen gaina
info Prezioak adierazten dira BEZa kanpo
Baldintza orokorrak Baldintza espezifikoak Bilatu informazioa Ikusi eskaera

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