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 Gorde BanatuBanatu
artekatza 13371 • Rif #B41350 • Tribunalua Benevento • C.P. 10/2012

Building in Telese Terme (BN)

Telese Terme (BN)



Building in Telese Terme (BN), Via San Giovanni - SINGLE LOT

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Telese Terme at sheet 10:

Parcel 518 - Sub 8 -  Category D/7 - Consistency 400 sqm
Parcel 518 - Sub 10 - Category C/2 - Consistency 125 sqm
Parcel 518 - Sub 11 - Category D/7 - Consistency 400 sqm
Parcel 518 - Sub 9 - Consistency 125 sqm - Under construction
Parcel 518 - Sub 12 -  Category D/8 - Consistency 400 sqm
Parcel 518 - Sub 4 - Consistency 180 sqm - Under construction (Apartment)
Parcel 518 - Sub 4 - Consistency 180 sqm - Under construction (Attic)
Parcel 518 - Sub 5 - Consistency 180 sqm - Under construction (Apartment)
Parcel 518 - Sub 5 - Consistency 180 sqm - Under construction (Attic)

The buildings is developde in:
  1. The depot is located in the basement. It develop over entire surface of floor, for a total surface area of ​​525 square meters. Access is allowed by the common staircase to the other units or by an external ramp, currently the room is paved with concrete and are electrical and water systems.
  2. The commercial space is located in the groud floor. It develops over entire surface of floor, with a total surface area of ​​525 square meters.Access is allowed by the common staircase to the other units. The rear portion of floor is under construction. There are electrical and water systems.
  3. The commercial space is located at the groud floor. It develops over entire surface of floor, with a total surface area of ​​525 square meters.Access is allowed by the common staircase to the other units. The rear portion of floor is under construction. There are electrical and water systems.
  4. The apartment is located on second floor, develops a surface area of 180 square meters with a mansard roof above. Access is allowed by the common staircase to the other units. Currently the room is paved with concrete.
  5. The apartment is located on second floor, develops a surface area of 180 square meters with a mansard roof above. Access is allowed by the common staircase to the other units. Currently the room is paved with concrete.
It is noted that Sub 9-11-12 are currently occupied, but at the time of the final awarding it will be sold free.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation


  • Azalera Azalera:525

info Bermea
EUR 23.500,00
info Eskaintza prezioa
info Txikiena igoera
EUR 2.500,00
info Ikuspegi
by appointment
info Eroslearen gaina
see specific terms
info Prezioak adierazten dira BEZa kanpo
Baldintza orokorrak Baldintza espezifikoak Bilatu informazioa Ikusi eskaera

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