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 Salva CondividiCondividi
asta 21794 • Rif #B53962 • Tribunale de Siracusa • Fallo. 71/2018

Apartment in Priolo Gargallo (SR)

Priolo Gargallo (SR)



Apartment in Priolo Gargallo (SR), via Grimaldi 45

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Priolo Gargallo at sheet 5:

Parcel 227 - Category A/3 - Class 5 - Consistency 4.5 compartments - Cadastral Rent € 232.41

The apartment in question develops entirely on the ground floor and is a small building.
Access is directly from the public road, internally it is divided into an entrance, kitchen/dining area, hallway, two bedrooms and a bathroom. There is a small outdoor area and a terrace on the roof slab.

The property falls within the homogeneous area B of the current PRG of the Municipality of Priolo Gargallo; in this area the P.R.G. it is implemented through direct intervention, and expansion and transformation interventions are allowed, also through demolition and reconstruction, as well as interventions of new buildings.
In cases of demolition and reconstruction, existing types or terraced buildings or isolated buildings are allowed.
The maximum building density will be mc/sqm. 5.00.

For further information consult attached appraisal and documention.


  • Superfície Superfície:86
  • Mq Corte Mq Corte:13
  • Terrazzo/i Terrazzo/i:19

info Cauzión
EUR 1.310,00
info Prezzo de riserva
info Rilancio minmo
EUR 500,00
info Vision
by appointment
info Commission del compratore
see specific terms
info Prezzi indicai IVA esclusa
Condizion generali Condizion specifiche Richiedi informazioni Richiedi la visione

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Immobili Simili

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EUR 74.600,00 MIN 55.950,00

Appartamento a Siracusa

Racolta de offerte co registrassion
Scheda de annuncio Anuncio 21944
Immobile Residenziale a Catania (CT) - lotto 1
EUR 19.125,00 MIN 14.344,00

Immobile Residenziale a Catania (CT) - lotto 1

Sincrona mista
Data de la vendita
08 novembre 2024 ore 09:00
Scheda de vendita Vendita 23705
Immobile Residenziale a Catania (CT) - lotto 1
EUR 75.000,00 MIN 56.250,00

Immobile Residenziale a Catania (CT) - lotto 1

Sincrona mista
Data de la vendita
18 ottobre 2024 ore 11:00
Scheda de vendita Vendita 23306
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EUR 33.048,00 MIN 24.786,00

Appartamento a Catania - PROPRIETA' SUPERFICIARIA

Sincrona mista
Data de la vendita
30 ottobre 2024 ore 11:00
Scheda de vendita Vendita 23934
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EUR 24.367,50 MIN 18.276,00

Appartamento a Catania - PROPRIETA' SUPERFICIARIA

Sincrona mista
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17 settembre 2024 ore 18:00
Scheda de vendita Vendita 23035
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Appartamento a Catania - LOTTO 1

Sincrona mista
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28 marzo 2024 ore 10:30
Scheda de vendita Vendita 21194