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asta 11761 • Rif #B51568 • Tribunale de Civitavecchia • Fallo. 14/2004

Agricultural land in Tolfa (Roma)

Tolfa (Roma)

Terra Agricola


Agricultural land in Tolfa (Roma), Casalaccio Locality

The land is registered at Land Registry of City of Tolfa at sheet 9:

Parcel 43 - Coppice - Class 3 - Surface 67,750 sq m - R.D. € 55.98 - R.A. € 17.49

The land in question is a coppice with a particularly steep position, which descends from the edges of the built up portion of the Casalaccio subdivision towards the S.P. n 3b Tolfa-San Severa which touches it and occupies it in a small part.
The fund is completely wooded with oaks and acacias, neither fenced nor equipped with a gate.

The land is affected by the following constraints:
- Landscape constraint, art. 134 letter b, art. 142 letter c / g of Legislative Decree 42/2004
- Hydrogeological constraint pursuant to art. 1 of the R.D.L 30/12/1923 n. 3267
- P.A.I. constraint Warning area for landslide and flood danger, Geomorphological areas of attention art.9 and 19
- Constraint green strips of road respect art. 27 of the technical regulations for the implementation of the general land use plan.

Please note that the price estimated value of the lot was € 67,000.

For further information consult attached appraisal and documention.


  • Superfície Superfície:67.750

info Cauzión
EUR 400,00
info Prezzo de riserva
info Rilancio minmo
EUR 250,00
info Vision
by appointment
info Commission del compratore
see specific terms
info Prezzi indicai IVA esclusa
Condizion generali Condizion specifiche Richiedi informazioni Richiedi la visione

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